Monday, May 25, 2020
Essay on Babies in the Workplace - 927 Words
Babies in the Workplace As we move into the new millennium more and more employers are allowing, some are even encouraging, their employees to bring their newborn babies to work with them. This is probably one of the greatest changes in child care norms that this country has seen in the past 30 years. Once upon a time, when a woman had a baby she almost always quit her job to raise her child, depending on her husband to support her and her child. Then along came the idea of maternity leave. This is when a woman takes a certain amount of time off to be with newborn. Once this time period was up, the woman still had a job to go back to. This meant that women no longer had to rely on their husbands for support. Unfortunately it also†¦show more content†¦The change in policy that allows women and men to bring their newborn children to work with them is, in a sense, just one more change in our country norms and values. At one point leaving your child with a baby sitter or at a daycare center all day was considered being a bad parent, meaning it was the norm to stay home and take care of your child yourself. Then, as divorce rates went up and more women were forced to raise their children on their own, that changed and it became the norm for women to go back to work after a set time for maternity leave. This also made sending you child to a daycare center or leaving them with a babysitter the norm since you couldn’t be there to take care of your child. With women being allowed to bring their babies into work with them, that is again changing the norms of society, specifically those having to do with the care of children. Women used to be given a hard time when they brought their children into work with them, even if it was only for a matter of minutes. Now many of them are allowed to bring their children in for a whole day, every day. This is enabling women to care for their own children and raise them in their own way with their own values, instead of entrusti ng those important responsibilities to someone else. Mothers are also forming a closer bond with their children in an important time in a child’s development. This will lead to a stronger bond laterShow MoreRelatedThe Workforce Today Encompasses Four Distinct Generations,1151 Words  | 5 Pagesencompasses four distinct generations, and each of these generations brings its own characteristics and values to work. According to Kevin, problems in the workplace can result, because these different generations bring their varying views and expectations to work, potentially creating dilemmas. In Managing Multiple Generations in workplace, a generation is defined as a cohort of people who share common knowledge, assumptions, and beliefs. A generation is a group of people who have grown up in sameRead MoreManaging A Team Of Multi Generational Workers Essay1565 Words  | 7 Pages In today’s world, the problems of managing a team of multi-generational workers can be best described by the difference in the generation in the workforce. This usually is the main reason for conflicts in the workplace but sometimes can be a boon for the employers for the development of an organisation to be more efficient and productive. Authoritative approaches to deal with these inadequate nowadays as these are of differing values and attributes with varying ambitions to either compete or collaborateRead MoreThe Legacy Of The Vietnam War934 Words  | 4 Pages Upon reflecting on the three main generations that comprise the workplace today, a few differences emerge. â€Å"Baby Boomers†grew up in a time when movements were prominent, the Vietnam War occurred, key figures were assassinated, the Watergate Scandal occurred, and television was introduced (Twenge et al., 2010; Schullery, 2013). Overall, â€Å"Baby Boomers†seem to exhibit a distrust of authority, value hard work, and want to enjoy their achievements (Robbins Judge, 2015; Twenge et al., 2010). As suchRead MoreGenerational Affects in Business Ethics Essay1597 Words  | 7 PagesGenerational Affects in Business Ethics We are experiencing in our work force a changing of the guard, currently there are three generational groups that make up our workforce: The Baby Boomers, Generation X, and the Millennials, who for the past few years have begun to work together. However, what we are discovering is that because of the time frame of their births and the life altering affects during those times, it has influenced the values and objectives of each of these groups, ultimatelyRead MoreBaby Boomers And Millennials796 Words  | 4 Pageson politics. Two of the largest generations in the world are Baby Boomers, people born from 1946-1964, and Millennials, people born from 1981-1998. As Baby Boomers continue their last couple years of work before retirement, and as Millennials continue to join the working community, these generations are increasingly interacting with each other. The Baby Boomer and Millennial generations may have some similarities, but in the workplace these two generations function compl etely differently, which canRead MoreWorking With A Diverse Age Of Employees Essay1559 Words  | 7 PagesToday’s workforce environment is comprised of a wide variety of Millennials, Generation Xers, Baby boomers, and even some Traditionalist. Organizations are learning that there can be challenges when working with a diverse age of employees. Every age and generation has different and unique characteristics and values that prove to be challenging and advantageous. What motivated one generation of workers will not necessarily motivate another. In an organization age has an impact in many aspects suchRead MoreBaby Boomer s Goals And Goals1500 Words  | 6 Pagesbeing brought into the world, the world was severely affected by these dubbed â€Å"baby boomers†. Baby Boomers, in a sense, were consider part of the growing middle class we know today. What were these baby boomer’s goals and aspirations? What were their values? What actions did they take to make s ure they had a good life for themselves and their families? Were their decisions based in politics? Some would say that these baby boomer’s goals and actions contributed to the success of America’s middle classRead MoreMulti-Generational Workforce888 Words  | 4 Pagesdominating the workforce, they are made up of Silents, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y. It is expected that in the coming decades there will be further changes with emergence of newer generations, and slower removal of older generations from organizations as pension age increases. Understanding differences between the generations, and learning to adapt their management practices is critical to building a successful multigenerational workplace. I would like farther explain each generation’s attributesRead MoreHistory Of Participatory Management ( Rau Foster, 2017 )1533 Words  | 7 PagesBaby Boomers believed in something called participatory management (Rau-Foster, 2017). They fe lt they should have say in how the workplace flowed and how it was run. Below is a list is common characteristics of the Baby Boomers leadership styles: †¢ Democratic †¢ Believed in chain of command †¢ Goal oriented †¢ Create stability †¢ Respect Loyalty Generation X Generation X (1965-1980) are taking hold in the workforce today (Schullery, 2013, p.235). The current age range for this generation is 28-43.Read MoreThe Tv Show How I Met Your Mother Essay1501 Words  | 7 Pagesstatement. Society is faced with a question of can women be as successful as men in the workplace? Women are unable to thrive in the workplace because they’re expected by society to be submissive and servile. Society is changing how women are raised, and not for the better. People often genderize babies from the moment they are born. Right from birth, hospitals make it a point to identify the gender of a baby by wrapping the newborn in either a blue blanket for a boy or a pink blanket for a girl
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Inequality Discrimination On The Workplace - 1607 Words
Nowadays, with increasing variety in organizations, several inequalities in the workplace have happened. In spite of the regulation policies which have limited inequalities on the workplace, it still exists, because of personal characteristics, such as gender, age and different race (Allan, C Mcphail, R Wilkinson, A 2008, p. 225). Inequality in the workplaces can be defined as the unfair discrimination relating to things, such as wage differentials between men and women, unfair practices and unfairness opportunities, particularly with regard to employment of people of different ethnic origins (Grainge, 2007, online). C2E TODAY (Committed 2 Equality) shows that in spite of large UK companies declaring that they have eliminated inequalities in the workplace around 77 per cent of them have little or no equality practices. Even though small companies’ situation is more serious, 97.5 per cent of them have no equality practices in place (Committed 2 Equality, 2008, online). This paper will analyze several inequalities exist on the workplace with the use of real facts for concentrating on gender, age and race, and demonstrate the role of the participants within employments relations by discussing the responses from the state, employers and unions. 2. Diversity of inequalities in the workplace A. Gender inequality Recently, mass media has broadcasted interesting news about a million dollars. How would people earns million dollars? Is it hard? The answer is quite simple, beShow MoreRelatedGender Issues Associated With Age, Gender, Ethnicity Essay1455 Words  | 6 Pagesdiscussion of gender relations, stereotyping and sources of inequality. The purpose of this essay is to fundamentally consider how organisational culture, norms of work, stereotypes and son on may impact on the opportunities people have. I am going to focus on the inequalities and who does what sort of work in the general workforce and more particularly, on women s roles. The given tv programmes are Shortland Street, Dr Ken and Age discrimination from channel 4 (Diane Parsley). I will critically be observingRead MoreKey Social Problems Affecting Africans Americans Essay1375 Words  | 6 Pagesmulti-dimensional basis. Poverty, employment rates, discrimination, and other social problems strike African Americans in such a way that it is nearly impossible to separate them; each individual has different background, socially and physically, that would determine in which order his or her social problems need to be solved. Impoverished blacks in the inner city may have difficulty finding or keeping jobs, while others may have jobs, but face troubles with work discrimination that prevent them from moving upwardRead MoreIntersectionality715 Words  | 3 PagesIntersectionality of Gender Inequality Name: Institution: Intersectionality of Gender Inequality For many decades, women have experienced all forms of oppression and constant violence that threatened their existence in the male-dominated society. Various forms of discrimination and oppression have been directed to women for decades. Violence directed at women such as rape and battery were seen and treated as isolatedRead MoreGender Inequality In Australia Essay1622 Words  | 7 Pagesthese roles, evidence suggests that this gender inequality still riddles the modern day workplace. Liberal feminist groups have embraced this issue, and have classified it as being a true barrier to achieving the ultimate gender equality goal. Consequently, these liberal feminists along with general society propose that it may only be through further legal reforms comparable to the introduction of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth), and Gender Workplace Equality Act 2012 (Cth), that gender equalityRead MoreGender Inequality Within The Workplace Essay1209 Words  | 5 PagesGender Ine quality in the Workplace The generation now has made it easier to equalize men and women but there is still a substantial amount of places where gender inequality is still happening in the workplace and where females still face discrimination. Women are often discriminated in the workplace and are usually not promoted as quickly as men are and they also receive less pay. History shows that women have not always been defined as property and thought of as second class citizens. But inRead MoreGender Inequality Of The Financial Sector1498 Words  | 6 PagesGender Inequality in the Financial Sector Inequality based on gender is an ongoing ethical issue that many women still face in the workplace. Gender inequality refers to unfair treatment and perceptions on another person’s gender and tends to happen a lot in many different companies and organizations. These types of inequality can range from women getting paid less then men or women not chosen for high positions in companies such as CEOs. As Hannah Gould points out in her newspaper article, â€Å"WeRead MoreGender Discrimination And The Workplace Essay1242 Words  | 5 Pagesmake towards gender workplace equality but gender workplace discrimination continues to be an impediment to gender equality. For the purpose of research on gender workplace discrimination, I used four journal articles. The first article, Minimizing Workplace Gender and Racial Bias, by author William T. Bielby, discusses stereotyping in the workplace. The article offers suggestions on how organizations should review their policy and procedu res to minimize bias in the workplace. This article onlyRead MoreFemale Discrimination And Domestic Violence869 Words  | 4 Pagesargument throughout the reports was strongly about female discrimination in workplace and the cause of the issue. Inequality issues such as pay gap significantly affect female graduates. A report showed that some industries suffer a larger gender pay gap than others. The pay inequality was then argued to stem from a lack of women in Parliament. The lack of women representatives was witnessed to have a direct impact on workplace discrimination and domestic violence. Due to an image that women are â€Å"lesser†Read MoreWhat Does It Affect Job Stratification And Economic Placement?1370 Words  | 6 Pagessome sort of stratification and inequality based on their society, and the way they are raised within it. Sexual orientation is just one factor of inequality in our culture, and I will discuss here how it affects job stratification and econ omic placement. Social stratification can be viewed in one of three ways, first is structural- functional which is based on a society which is rewarded for their efforts and accomplishments. This theory believes that inequality boost economy, pushing people toRead MoreImproving Workplace Opportunities For Women1590 Words  | 7 Pagescreating anti-discrimination laws that have performed a critical role in expanding workplace opportunities for women. However, these laws failed to guarantee workplace equality since female workers still face discrimination through significant pay gaps for similar job duties, lack of representation in boards and high paying positions, and also face sexual harassment at the workplace. Reports reveal that women still have a long way to go to achieve equality for themselves in their workplaces. More than
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Health Information Technology For Economic And Clinical...
In 2009, the U.S. Government passed The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, to promote the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology (Mangalmurti, Murtagh and Mello 2060). The HITECH Act authorizes grants and incentives to promote the â€Å"meaningful use†of electronic health records (EHR) by providers (2060). The effect is a high commitment to a technology-led system reform, urging a renewed national commitment to building an information infrastructure to support health care delivery, consumer health, quality measurement and improvement, public accountability, clinical and health services research, and clinical†¦show more content†¦However, this is not always the case. With the enthusiasm for health information technology, potential risks and problems associated with electronic health records have received far less attention. Three fundamental security goals are essential to EHR systems: confidentiality, integrity and availability (Haas e26). Patients lose the protection of implied trust domain of medical institutions due to their medical record maintenance performed by non-medical enterprises (e27). Depending on the paradigm, enabling access to an increased number of users poses threats to security and privacy. The adoption of EHR has been slower than expected (Gans 1323). With numerous systems available, it is particularly difficult for a smaller practice to identify which system best meets its needs. Other notable challenges for some practices include assumption of the capital investment as well as managerial responsibilities associated with the IT infrastructure. A common implementation challenge encountered is the lack of a universal vision and definition of EHR. Since there are multiple interpretations of the definition of EHR and attendant requirements, identifying current and future needs is a complex process for potential users. Short term limited ability systems will eventually become obsolete as there is a move toward more global EHR systems. On June 18, Health Information Technology For Economic And Clinical... In the past, our healthcare distribution system predicated its payments solely on the number of accommodations provided and not on the quality of care distributed to patients. As a result, patients might receive redundant tests, medication errors, or accommodations that might not ameliorate their health – and may cost them more in copayments or coinsurance. As required by the Affordable Care Act, Health and Human Services (HHS) launched several initiatives to link payments more proximately with quality outcomes and promote value-predicated care. These reforms promote value over volume and ascertain that care is better coordinated across the healthcare distribution system (Health IT, 2013). As a result the government is looking to influence innovation and best practices to enhance administration, quality and patient engagement, while securing protection and minimizing expenses (Nir Menachemi and Taleah H. Collum, 2011). This influential innovation is in direct response to the H ealth Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009. Therefore in this paper one will evaluate the current state of the infrastructure in workflow and processes; identify the existing gaps and issues within the environment, provide solutions for improvement in association with the present gaps – zero cost and limitless budget, and recognize current technology that can change the current health care infrastructure. This evaluation will display the current state of theShow MoreRelatedHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health1283 Words  | 6 Pagesthe U.S. Government passed The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, to promote the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology (Mangalmurti, Murtagh and Mello 2060). The HITECH Act authorizes grants and incentives to promote the â€Å"meaningful use†of el ectronic health records (EHR) by providers (2060). The effect is a high commitment to a technology-led system reform, urging a renewedRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health1484 Words  | 6 Pagescase presents a prime example of privacy violation. The Federal privacy rule 42 CFR, part 2 mandated addition privacy protection for any health record that is generated in the treatment of patients in the federal alcohol and drug program (Hughes, 2002). The HIPAA privacy rule dictates that healthcare organizations must not disclose any identifying patient information, or alert any entity that a particular patient is participating in alcohol/drug treatment program. This type of privacy breach must beRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health784 Words  | 4 PagesList at least five of the ways you see physicians employing meaningful use in their practices The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act is part of the American Reinvestment Recovery Act (ARRA) signed into law by President Obama on February 17, 2009. The HITECT Act introduced the concept of ‘meaningful use’ which incentivized the adoption of electronic health records (EHR) for the overall improvement of healthcare. This act authorized payments to qualifiedRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Essay938 Words  | 4 Pageswith The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act which forces health centers to have â€Å"meaningful use†of certain services using health technology (Kruse, Bolton, Freriks, 2015). These services promote patient-centered care as it helps satisfy the Stage 2 qualification, patient engagement. Patient portals are an excellent technology tool. Therefore, the center should use patient portals. Patient portals provide all day, anyti me, anywhere access to health informationRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Records1391 Words  | 6 PagesThe patient’s growing data and information is the forefront of clinical information systems; with the use of the electronic medical record (EMR), electronic health record (EHR), and electronic personal health record (ePHR) have been the beginning of the movement into the integration and use of clinical health information systems (Reilly Polifroni, 2011). As these technologies are being implemented into the everyday interaction that patients have with the healthcare delivery system, government lawsRead MoreThe Health Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Act1146 Words  | 5 PagesPaving the Way to Computerized Charting The passage of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) Act â€Å"encouraged healthcare organizations and providers to adopt and effectively utilize certified electronic health records (EHRs)†(Conrad, Hanson, Hansenau, Stocker-Schneider, 2012, p. 443). In addition, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) instituted Meaningful Use (MU) as a form of â€Å"incentive programs that governs the use of EHRs and allowRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Act2217 Words  | 9 Pagesand President Obama enacted the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) as part of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009 (ARRA). HITECH established the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) in statute and provided the authority, resources and infrastructure needed to stimulate the rapid, nationwide adoption and use of health IT, especially electronic health records (EHRs) and to establish programs to improve health care quality, safety, and efficiencyRead MoreThe Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act1378 Words  | 5 PagesThe Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, as defined by the U.S. Department of Health Human Services, is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and was created to reduce health care costs by adoption of electronic medical records. It was officially signed into law on February 17, 2009, and aims to encourage the â€Å"adoption and meaningful use of health information technology.†Of particular interest is how it impacts affects the privacy andRead MoreThe Health Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Records2128 Words  | 9 PagesOrganizational Information Hospital Sisters Health System (HSHS) is a group of 13 hospitals located within Illinois and Wisconsin. While run under the guidance of the HSHS governance board, the hospital is divided into four divisions. Each division works with the system office located in Springfield, Illinois. While each division is governed by the system office, they also have their own governing board that enables each division to make decisions that will be beneficial to their demographic areaRead MoreInformation Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Act888 Words  | 4 Pagesframeworks to enhance patient care by healthcare suppliers. The National Quality Forum (NQF) created the idea of meaningful use; their thoughts included to enhance population health, coordination of forward planning, enhanced well-being, and patient engagement. The U.S. Healthcare Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) made motivators for embracing Meaningful Use criteria starting in 2012, with t he likelihood of penalties for failing in attaining the benchmarks by 2015. In Health Information Technology For Economic And Clinical... The center should comply with The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act which forces health centers to have â€Å"meaningful use†of certain services using health technology (Kruse, Bolton, Freriks, 2015). These services promote patient-centered care as it helps satisfy the Stage 2 qualification, patient engagement. Patient portals are an excellent technology tool. Therefore, the center should use patient portals. Patient portals provide all day, anytime, anywhere access to health information using an Internet connection (Kruse et al., 2015). The portal is managed by the health care facility. Through patient portals patient can view information such as doctor visits, summaries of medication, discharge, immunizations or allergies, and lab reports. Some portals offer prescriptions refills, scheduling of doctor appointments, and communications between providers through emails. Studies have found that patient portals increase patient-centered care (Kruse et al., 2015). It increases patient autonomy as patients participate in the decision making process with medical providers (Kruse et al., 2015). Patient satisfaction increases. Greater patient-provider communications. Increases patient education, engagement, and empowerment (Kruse et al., 2015). For the health facility, patient portal has been documented as helping to increase customer retention. Office visits were adhered to more when patients used patient portals. Contact improved.Show MoreRelatedHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health1283 Words  | 6 Pagesthe U.S. Government passed The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, to promote the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology (Mangalmurti, Murtagh and Mello 2060). The HITECH Act authorizes grants and incentives to promote the â€Å"meaningful use†of electronic health records (EHR) by providers (2060). The effect is a high commitment to a technology-led system reform, urging a renewedRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health1383 Words  | 6 Pageserrors, or accommodations that might not ameliorate their health – and may cost them more in copayments or coinsurance. As required by the Affordable Care Act, Health and Human Services (HHS) launched several initiatives to link payments more proximately with quality outcomes and promote value-predicated care. These reforms promote value over volume and ascertain that care is better coordinated across the healthcare distribution system (Health IT, 2013). As a result the government is looking to influenceRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health1484 Words  | 6 Pagescase presents a prime example of privacy violation. The Federal privacy rule 42 CFR, part 2 mandated addition privacy protection for any health record that i s generated in the treatment of patients in the federal alcohol and drug program (Hughes, 2002). The HIPAA privacy rule dictates that healthcare organizations must not disclose any identifying patient information, or alert any entity that a particular patient is participating in alcohol/drug treatment program. This type of privacy breach must beRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health784 Words  | 4 PagesList at least five of the ways you see physicians employing meaningful use in their practices The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act is part of the American Reinvestment Recovery Act (ARRA) signed into law by President Obama on February 17, 2009. The HITECT Act introduced the concept of ‘meaningful use’ which incentivized the adoption of electronic health records (EHR) for the overall improvement of healthcare. This act authorized payments to qualifiedRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Records1391 Words  | 6 PagesThe patient’s growing data and information is the forefront of clinical information systems; with the use of the electronic medical record (EMR), electronic health record (EHR), and electronic personal health record (ePHR) have been the beginning of the movement into the integration and use of clinical health information systems (Reilly Polifroni, 2011). As these technologies are being implemented into the everyday interaction that patients have with the healthc are delivery system, government lawsRead MoreThe Health Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Act1146 Words  | 5 PagesPaving the Way to Computerized Charting The passage of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) Act â€Å"encouraged healthcare organizations and providers to adopt and effectively utilize certified electronic health records (EHRs)†(Conrad, Hanson, Hansenau, Stocker-Schneider, 2012, p. 443). In addition, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) instituted Meaningful Use (MU) as a form of â€Å"incentive programs that governs the use of EHRs and allowRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Act2217 Words  | 9 Pagesand President Obama enacted the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) as part of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009 (ARRA). HITECH established the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) in statute and provided the authority, resources and infrastructure needed to stimulate the rapid, nationwide adoption and use of health IT, especially electronic health records (EHRs) and to establish programs to improve health care quality, safety, and efficiencyRead MoreThe Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act1378 Words  | 5 PagesThe Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, as defined by the U.S. Department of Health Human Services, is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and was created to reduce health care costs by adoption of electronic medical records. It was officially signed into law on February 17, 2009, and aims to encourage the â€Å"adoption and meaningful use of health information technology.†Of particular interest is how it impacts affects the privacy andRead MoreThe Health Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Records2128 Words  | 9 PagesOrganizational Information Hospital Sisters Health System (HSHS) is a group of 13 hospitals located within Illinois and Wisconsin. While run under the guidance of the HSHS governance board, the hospital is divided into four divisions. Each division works with the system office located in Springfield, Illinois. While each division is governed by the system office, they also have their own governing board that enables each division to make decisions that will be beneficial to their demographic areaRead MoreInformation Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Act888 Words  | 4 Pagesframeworks to enhance patient care by healthcare suppliers. The National Quality Forum (NQF) created the idea of meaningful use; their thoughts included to enhance population health, coordination of forward planning, enhanced well-being, and patient engagement. The U.S. Healthcare Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) made motivators for embracing Meaningful Use criteria starting in 2012, with t he likelihood of penalties for failing in attaining the benchmarks by 2015. In Health Information Technology For Economic And Clinical... 1. Some alcohol and drug abuse records were inadvertently left accessible via the internet. Fifty patients were affected. This case presents a prime example of privacy violation. The Federal privacy rule 42 CFR, part 2 mandated addition privacy protection for any health record that is generated in the treatment of patients in the federal alcohol and drug program (Hughes, 2002). The HIPAA privacy rule dictates that healthcare organizations must not disclose any identifying patient information, or alert any entity that a particular patient is participating in alcohol/drug treatment program. This type of privacy breach must be reported promptly to the internal review board (IRB), compliance officer, risk management office and the privacy officer at the healthcare organization. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) act and the American Recovery and Reinvestment (ARRA) act also mandated that any healthcare organization or any covered entity under the HIPAA act should promptly notify individual patients about the accidental disclosure of their medical information; the tim e from discovery of breach of PHI to patient’s notification must not be more than 60 days. In addition, to patient notification, the covered entity must also report such incidents to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and to the media if the breach affects more than 500 patients, and if the breach affects less than 500 patients, notifying the patients and theShow MoreRelatedHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health1283 Words  | 6 Pagesthe U.S. Government passed The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, to promote the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology (Mangalmurti, Murtagh and Mello 2060). The HITECH Act authorizes grants and incentives to promote the â€Å"meaningful use†of electronic health records (EHR) by providers (2060). The effect is a high commitment to a technology-led system reform, urgin g a renewedRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health1383 Words  | 6 Pageserrors, or accommodations that might not ameliorate their health – and may cost them more in copayments or coinsurance. As required by the Affordable Care Act, Health and Human Services (HHS) launched several initiatives to link payments more proximately with quality outcomes and promote value-predicated care. These reforms promote value over volume and ascertain that care is better coordinated across the healthcare distribution system (Health IT, 2013). As a result the government is looking to influenceRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health784 Words  | 4 PagesList at least five of the ways you see physicians employing meaningful use in their practices The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act is part of the American Reinvestment Recovery Act (ARRA) signed into law by President Obama on February 17, 2009. The HITECT Act introduced the concept of ‘meaningful use’ which incentivized the adoption of electronic health records (EHR) for the overall improvement of healthcare. This act authorized payments to qualifiedRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Essay938 Words  | 4 Pageswith The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act which forces health centers to have â€Å"meaningful use†of certain services using health technology (Kruse, Bolton, Freriks, 2015). These services promote patient-centered care as it helps satisfy the Stage 2 qualification, patient engagement. Patient portals are an excellent technology tool. Therefore, the center should use patient portals. Patient portals provide all day, anyti me, anywhere access to health informationRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Records1391 Words  | 6 PagesThe patient’s growing data and information is the forefront of clinical information systems; with the use of the electronic medical record (EMR), electronic health record (EHR), and electronic personal health record (ePHR) have been the beginning of the movement into the integration and use of clinical health information systems (Reilly Polifroni, 2011). As these technologies are being implemented into the everyday interaction that patients have with the healthcare delivery system, government lawsRead MoreThe Health Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Act1146 Words  | 5 PagesPaving the Way to Computerized Charting The passage of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) Act â€Å"encouraged healthcare organizations and providers to adopt and effectively utilize certified electronic health records (EHRs)†(Conrad, Hanson, Hansenau, Stocker-Schneider, 2012, p. 443). In addition, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) instituted Meaningful Use (MU) as a form of â€Å"incentive programs that governs the use of EHRs and allowRead MoreHealth Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Act2217 Words  | 9 Pagesand President Obama enacted the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) as part of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009 (ARRA). HITECH established the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) in statute and provided the authority, resources and infrastructure needed to stimulate the rapid, nationwide adoption and use of health IT, especially electronic health records (EHRs) and to establish programs to improve health care quality, safety, and efficiencyRead MoreThe Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act1378 Words  | 5 PagesThe Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, as defined by the U.S. Department of Health Human Services, is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and was created to reduce health care costs by adoption of electronic medical records. It was officially signed into law on February 17, 2009, and aims to encourage the â€Å"adoption and meaningful use of health information technology.†Of particular interest is how it impacts affects the privacy andRead MoreThe Health Information Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Records2128 Words  | 9 PagesOrganizational Information Hospital Sisters Health System (HSHS) is a group of 13 hospitals located within Illinois and Wisconsin. While run under the guidance of the HSHS governance board, the hospital is divided into four divisions. Each division works with the system office located in Springfield, Illinois. While each division is governed by the system office, they also have their own governing board that enables each division to make decisions that will be beneficial to their demographic areaRead MoreInformation Technology For Economic And Clinical Health Act888 Words  | 4 Pagesframeworks to enhance patient care by healthcare suppliers. The National Quality Forum (NQF) created the idea of meaningful use; their thoughts included to enhance population health, coordination of forward planning, enhanced well-being, and patient engagement. The U.S. Healthcare Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) made motivators for embracing Meaningful Use criteria starting in 2012, with t he likelihood of penalties for failing in attaining the benchmarks by 2015. In
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analyzing The Function Of A Non Coding - 1296 Words
While humans are obviously different from many other mammals, such as dogs or mice, about 5% of the human genome consists of conserved sequences shared by all mammals. Interestingly, over two thirds of these sequences do not code for protein, but this does not necessarily mean that they are non-functional. One likely possibility is that these non-coding regions conserved throughout the mammalian genome function in genetic regulation. However, before determining the function of these regions within the genome, they must first be identified. After determining the conserved sequences, they can then be classified according to function. One particularly informative way to decipher the function of a non-coding DNA sequence is to determine†¦show more content†¦Next, they filtered out any CNEs that were less than twelve base pairs in length due to the fact that sequences twelve or more base pairs in length are expected to be found at relatively low rates simply due to chance. The sequences remaining were then collapsed into groups based on sequence similarity, and consensus sequences (termed motifs) were generated for each group. These consensus sequences were generated by calculating a position weight matrix (PWM), which is generally done by looking at each position within a sequence, determining how often each of the four possible nucleotides is present at that position, and assigning higher weights to those nucleotides which occur more frequently at that position. With this newly generated catalog of sequences, the authors further characterized each motif based on conservation. The authors used various quantitative measures to determine how prevalent each of the CNEs is within the human genome and how well conserved each CNE is. First, they simply looked at how often each motif occurred within the human genome. A ratio was then determined of the number of actual occurrences within the human genome to the number of times that sequence is expected t o be found by chance. Therefore, lower ratios imply that the motif is present in the genome at a higher rate than expected by chance. Next, the conservation across mammals was observed by taking the number of times the motif was detected in the same region across many
Child Abuse And Its Effects On The Child - 1110 Words
In 2012, state child protective agencies received approximately 3.4 million referrals, involving an estimated 6.3 million children, alleging abuse or neglect (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2014). Based on investigations, states reported that an estimated 678,810 unique children were victims of abuse or neglect in 2012, resulting in a national victimization rate of 9.2 per 1,000 children per the population (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2014). Child abuse can have lasting negative effects on the child; mentally, physically and emotionally. Child abuse is defined as; the recurrent infliction of physical, or emotional injury on a dependent minor, through the intentional beatings, uncontrolled corporal punishment, persistent ridicule and degradation, or sexual abuse committed by parents or guardian. The victims of child mistreatment experience abuse by their parent and/or guardian and family member. Many factors can contribute to child abuse but it is never justifiable. Punishment can sometimes lead to the abuse of infants and children, (Ciccheti, 2011, 2013). A history of abuse in the family and the parent’s unresolved issues may arise if the parent is harboring the pain from what they experienced. Poverty and low socioeconomic status can also contribute to abuse. Unfortunately, a blind eye is turned against the perpetrators because of denial or fear of what could have to the child or offender. The abuser will threate n or instill fear in theShow MoreRelatedEffects of Child Abuse658 Words  | 3 PagesChild abuse Child abuse has gone down in recent years. There is a statistic that says in 2012 that 1 in every 100 children was abused in the U.S (Iannelli,). Child abuse isn’t only physical it could be emotional or neglect. Another thing about child abuse is that it could affect the child’s academics. Because of all the stress that they endure carries on into their school life. A lot of people who have been abused as a child it usually doesn’t stop affecting them as kids it usually carries on intoRead MoreChild Abuse Effects1443 Words  | 6 PagesThe consequences of child abuse can be devastating. For over 30 years clinicians have described the effects of child abuse and neglect on the physical, psychological, cognitive, and behavioral development of children. Studies show that most child abuse is usually liked with domestic violence. The consequences of child abuse are: ââ€" Physical consequences range from minor injuries, to severe brain damage and even death. ââ€" Psychological consequences range from chronic low self-esteem to severe dissociativeRead MoreEffects of child abuse2236 Words  | 9 Pages The Impact of Child Abuse In the typical classroom, a 4-year-old child once said, â€Å"If someone wants to have sex with you, you have to do it.†(Rafanello) Child abuse is more prevalent now than ever, and the numbers are only growing. This shows us that child abuse is more relevant now than ever. The amount of damage inflicted on these children mentally range from mild to extreme. This is why it’s important that child abuse gets reported as soon as possible. Did you know that 3.2 million childrenRead MoreThe Effects Of Abuse And Child Abuse2622 Words  | 11 Pagessquad, after finding three young children dead in their bed after their mother had killed them. (Qtd. In Juettner 12). Abuse doesn’t just affect children, it affects adults too. While many cases of abuse are reported, there are still many that go unreported. Abuse and child abuse is not something to be taken lightly, even after the abuse has been stopped there are long lasting effects. Could you imagine being abused by someone you thought loved or cared about you? According to, the definitionRead MoreThe Effects Of Physical Abuse On Child Abuse980 Words  | 4 Pagesthe war against child abuse since the first case of child abuse in 1874 that included a child being beaten and chained against her will (Meadows, 2014). Many people hear the words child abuse and think of physical abuse. While, many people are correct in thinking of physical abuse, an â⠂¬Å"Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE)†study done by the CDC shows that although physical abuse is the leading form of child abuse, emotional or psychological abuse is the second leading form of child abuse (2014). AlthoughRead MoreThe Effects of Child Abuse596 Words  | 2 PagesChild abuse is more than just hurtful and physical contact. It is more than bruises and broken bones. While physical abuse is noticeable there are many other types of abuse that kids may be experiencing such as physical abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse , and neglecting . Although some of these May be very different from the others they all have one thing in common; they will all leave a long lasting scar. Child abuse is something that should be tried to be prevented at all times. It seemsRead MoreChild Abuse And Its Effects On Children Essay1489 Words  | 6 Pagesindividuals corrected. However, there are cases that have not been solved or not stopped by the law. Child abuse is common. Child abuse can be caused by a variety of reasons. Scientist have been studying and they have some ideas on what prompt people to harm children (Ian Hacking). They are trying to end child abuse, but there is so much they can do. Many children abuse incidents are not reported. Child abuse may have many causes as in way the abuser does it. One specific factor is the background of theRead MoreThe Effects Of Child Abuse On Children935 Words  | 4 PagesChild abuse has been an issue in America since the beginning of time, but lately there has gradually been an increase in reported incidents of abuse. There are several types of child abuse that are present in today’s society. The different types of abuse include physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Of the different maltreatment types, four-fifths (78.3%) of unique victims were neglected, 17.6 percent were physically abused, 9.2 percent were sexually abused, 8.1 percent were psychologically maltreatedRead MoreChild Abuse And I ts Effects On Children913 Words  | 4 Pagesseveral types of abuse, there’s physical, emotional, verbal and several others abuses. But the abuse I would like to focus on is child abuse. Domestic violence towards children is important because there is a way to prevent it from happening. Typical parents and caregivers do not intend to abuse their children. Abuse is mainly directed toward the behaviors that are given off towards one another. Author David Gil defines child abuse as an occurrence where a caretaker injures a child, not by accidentRead MoreChild Abuse And Its Effects On Society1342 Words  | 6 Pages Child Abuse. How does one decide what constitutes abuse? Is there a thin line between abuse and discipline? We often hear the horrific stories of child abuse in our communities, but are we as a society so used to hearing these stories that we have become desensitized to them? Child abuse is a prevalent thing in communities and often time the victims are suffering in silence. We, as a society, have a bad habit of â€Å"turning our heads the other way†or â€Å"not wanting to get involved.†The mentality of
Logistics Management Pertaining to Samsung
Question: Describe about the Logistics Management for Pertaining to Samsung. Answer: Introduction: Report outline and purpose: The current report focuses towards analysing the logistical management pertaining to Samsung. The core functional area of Samsung has been thoroughly evaluated using logistical theories followed by gathering insights into it. The primary purpose of the report is to review the core functional and operational areas of the company. Moreover, analysis of the efficiency of prevailing order processing mechanism in Samsung has been undertaken in conjugation with prevalent theories regarding logistics management. This is to be followed by dissemination of inventory management policies concerning the company and evaluating the degree of affirmation that such processes have with academic models and theories regarding inventory management. Background of Samsung: Samsung Electronics is engaged in manufacturing and providing mobile devices and electronic appliances on a worldwide basis with consumer base in nearly every economy of the world. The company is headquartered in Suwon, South Korea and is considered the second most valuable technology company in the world in terms of revenue and market capitalization (Samsung Electronics, 2016). The logistics pertaining to the company is of the largest in the world with manufacturing and assembly plants located over 82 countries. The company has accelerated its degree of diversification in the consumer electronics market. Thereby, despite being the market leader in the mobile and smart phone market, it has considerable market shares in electronic gadgets and appliances. The company is renowned for its innovativeness and the quantum of emphasis it puts upon providing consumers with cutting edge technology at affordable price. The company primarily targets young professionals through product innovativeness and attractive product designs (Samsung Electronics, 2016). The positioning of the company has been made in the consumer electronics market in a manner that the marketing strategy and taglines of the marketing and promotional campaigns varies on a product-to-product basis. Moreover, the company does not target specific market segments but to primarily cater to the technologically well-informed high-income group along with upper-middle income groups. Analysis on functional areas using logistics theories: Christopher, Magrill Wills (2013) stated that the correlation and co-ordination between the production process and that of its logistics management results in driving the revenue generation capability. The inbound logistics pertaining to Samsung tends to have a direct effect upon the production of the company. Moreover, in terms of value chain analysis, it can be construed that production process is of utmost relevance as the largest contributor in creating value pertaining to the product. The logistics management process pertaining to large-scale manufacturing firms undertake a context based approach for resolving issues pertaining to logistics. Moreover, Bowersox, Carter Monczka (2013) stated that for mitigating the degree of complexity pertaining to the production processes, it is pertinent that the supply chain management (SCM) process is merged or aligned to that of the product process. In case of Samsung, the mobile division is subjected to numerous set of allotments pertaining to the different models. Each set of production is customized to take into account the prospective demand for the product and the degree of complexity that relates to the production of that product. The production run is short owing to the dynamism of the electronic industry and the overall production costs are kept low through minimising of overhead costs. In case of accounting, logistics management is complemented by the different set of accounting frameworks that synthesises the data pertaining to supply chain. For instance, in case of inventory management, use of Last in First out (LIFO) and First in First out (FIFO) facilitates in determination of the inventory turnovers. Moreover, in case of deriving upon the number of batches that are to be ordered in case of inbound logistics, Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is relevant (Rushton, Croucher Baker, 2014). In the case of Samsung, the sales forecasts pertaining to the sales of its different products are utilised for determination of the EOQ and the inventory turnovers in each of its inbound and outbound logistics are evaluated using accounting methods. The assimilation of the marketing plan with that of the logistical management results towards facilitating in framing and implementation of tactical plan, which is consumer centric. The marketing plan pertaining to Samsung is intertwined with that of its logistics management (Samsung Electronics, 2016). This is done so that when the marketing of a certain product is made the logistics concerning the product is fine-tuned for the prospective increase in the demand of the product. The promotion pertaining to Samsungs products is comprised of pull strategy. Thereby, the logistics requires ensuring that the demands of the retailers are met appropriately. Moreover, it is pertinent to note that the logistics shall comprise of providing products to retailers. Marketing of logistics using the 4Ps: Price- The price drivers needs to be recognized in the marketing logistics. The logistical cost structure and the discount for volume impacts the price that the customers will pay for the services and goods. The other factors driving cost is the carrier pricing that is the shipping cost which is based on the weight, size and distance where the items would be shipped. Product- The goal regarding the product aspect of marketing of logistics is about the on time delivery, filing the order and zero damage and precise invoicing. The packaging should be such that there is no damage. The product proliferation is attributable to the mass customization which helps in providing the product with personalized designs at affordable price. The display and promotional packs contribute to the product proliferation which increases costs. Promotion- The logistics follows the pull and push promotional strategies in order to get the product to its target market. The products are placed in front of the consumers using the push strategy and pull strategy is intended to stimulate the demand and motivate the customers to seek the specific product. The logistics of Samsung make use of pull strategy. Place- The logistics must be executed in a way that the customers and the location of the warehouse and factory impacts the logistics operation by reducing or increasing the costs. The operation of the logistics either through the retail or wholesale determines the price. Analysis of order processing system: Vlad Pavel (2016) mentions that for company with large set of clients the initial processing system shall be required to facilitate the ordering of all types of product that the company is offering. Thereby, in the context of Samsung, the ordering mechanism is kept simple for arriving at the figures pertaining to inbound logistics. The quantum of inbound logistics are computed after taking into account the forecasted demand for a particular product that is arrived at through the data analytics by Samsung. The company places a buy now button at its website for facilitating ease of transactions. The processing of an order at Samsung entails selecting of the type of devices that the consumers require ordering. Further, apart from a separate portal for facilitating placing of an order, Samsung provides a toll free number so that consumer can directly have a telephonic conversation with the executive of Samsung (Samsung Electronics, 2016). Moreover, such executives have trained at assisting clients for making up their decisions pertaining to which product and at what quantity are to be provided. The consumers pertaining to the product are provided an online cart in which they can gather all the products that they are seeking and a final checkout button have been placed at the side of the order button. Through the checkout button, the payment gateway can be accessed that facilitates in making online payment. Figure 1: Order Processing System (Source: Bowersox, Carter Monczka, 2013) In terms of orders that are primarily tax exempt, the proceedings of such orders cannot be made online and the customer care service executives at Samsung Electronics always validate such transactions. The payments of the order are made through utilising Visa, MasterCard and American Express amongst others online fund transfer mechanisms. The company has a policy of not charging its consumers prior to shipping of the logistics. The clients location plays a significant role in terms of order processing. The placed orders are the placed onto assembly factories. The inventories from inbound logistics are deployed for assembling for the order and the production process takes into account the order quantity and runs its processes accordingly. The finished batch of products are then shifted to warehouse wherefrom outbound logistics are prepared. In terms of facilities regarding tracking of an order, the clients are able to track their shipments through the different stages and distribution hubs that their ordered product goes through. Moreover, such tracking facilitates in real time evaluation of the logistical processes that each order is going through. The initial processing of order is done within a 48 hours period and thereby Samsung does not delay in face-lifting streamlined order processing. The company further provides clients towards opening an account at The account acts as a vantage point through which the clients are notified regarding the status of their shipments (Samsung Electronics, 2016). Moreover, the summary of their billings, online receipts of bill payment as well as displays of notification are also made through the individual accounts. In case of damaged product or delivery of wrong product, the company provides cash back or replacement offers and has a separate logistics functions that tak es into account the inbound logistics. The probable recommendation pertaining to Samsungs logistical mechanism is to note the fact that company requires opening up a web-chat service for its clients. Moreover, the clarity as regards to Samsungs order requires to be enhanced through using data analytics. The toll free number that the company provides remains inadequate for communication and Samsung needs to come up better set of communication mediums for handling the client grievances. Analysis of inventory management: Ellram, La Londe Weber (2013) stated that inventory management tend to play a significant role in facilitating production processes and minimising obsolescence. Moreover, Myerson, P. (2012) stated that inventory management pertaining to a manufacturing firm displays the companys ability to organise its supplies along with sorting out its outbound products. In case of Samsung, it can be construed that the companys inventory management is highly complex in nature owing to the number of product that the company deals with. Moreover, the variations pertaining to each product such the different models of smartphones offered by Samsung, LCDs will different sizes and resolution makes it even complex for the company for tracking and maintaining of inventories. The demand for Samsungs products is significant as compared to other electronic brands sans Apple Corporation. The high demand is reciprocated through large inventory turnover and thereby Samsung maintains over 80 manufacturing hubs a round the globe for meeting the demand for their products (Samsung Electronics, 2016). The reorder point is determined through the forecasts pertaining to a certain device based upon its promotional campaign and initial response to the product by its consumer. Thereby, economic order quantity (EOQ) is derived through using the forecasted demand. A safety stock of over 5% is to be kept for meeting the demand for the product in case the production is disrupted or demand for the product has grown exponentially. The inventory levels pertaining to each manufacturing hub are under constant monitoring in order to mitigate any issues arising out of shortage, production issues or assemblage disruptions. The organization has the inventory policy system of fixed order quantity and this helps in keeping the stock level at fairly stable level. In order to achieve the desired level of inventory, the orders are placed for the quantities that can vary with the number of order received. This makes the management of the inventory and helps in monitoring and replenishing the stock. Rushton, Croucher Baker (2014) mentioned in the context of inventory management, the relevance of aligning the stock levels with that of the demand for the product is essential so as to prevent any forms of consumer grievances. Since the re-order quantity is not the optimum forecast mechanism, thereby the EOQ is revised periodically for adjusting the reorder quantity in accordance with the present scenario of demand. Moreover, on occasions, the inventory levels may go down below the safety stock levels, this is owing to the thriving demand that the product displays and when such demand is unanticipated. In such occasions, the reorder quantity varies to take into consideration the replenishment of safety stock along with the inventory assimilated through sales forecasts. The reviewing of inventory are done each day from real time tracking since the inventory turnover of Samsung is unmatched by many consumer electronics manufacturer. Conclusion: Logistics management plays a significant role towards enhancement of growth prospects for each manufacturing firm. This is owing to the fact that inventory management policies that takes into account prospective demand for the product and thereby maintains inventory based upon it mitigates over or under stocking. The amalgamation of marketing policy and logistics management is relevant owing to the fact that such assimilation may result in development of tactical plans pertaining to the product. Moreover, accounting plays a significant role towards ensuring that the databases pertaining to inventory management are assimilated and maintained. Moreover, the primary framework for inventory management has arisen out of accounting and thereby the role of accounting remains intertwined with inventory management. Samsung essentially processes an order within 48 hours. The customers are provided with an official account and through which they can facilitate the tracking of orders. Samsung ke eps a detailed tracking of each order that has been placed from the initial order processing to the outbound logistics from the manufacturing hub for ensuring that each order is processed in due time. The safety stock is kept at around 5% margin as can be gauged by the electronic industry standards coupled with the fact that Samsung inventory turnover is high. The computations pertaining to reorder quantity or EOQ are revised on a periodical basis in order to ensure that the stock levels reflect the current demand for Samsungs product. References and Bibliography: Bowersox, D. J., Carter, P. L., Monczka, R. M. (2013). Materials logistics management.International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management. Christopher, M. (2016).Logistics supply chain management. Pearson Higher Ed. Christopher, M., Peck, H. (2012).Marketing logistics. Routledge. Christopher, M., Magrill, L., Wills, G. (2013). 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THE ORGANIZATION OF LOGISTICS FUNCTIONS IN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES.Quaestus, (9), 82. Zhu, G., Zhu, Z. F., Zhao, J., Zhu, Y. Q. (2015). Creative Distribution Mode Design of Terminal Logistics Based on New Technological Environment. InAdvanced Materials Research(Vol. 1073, pp. 2390-2397). Trans Tech Publications.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Global Business Management
Question: Write an essay on Global Business Management. Answer: Introduction: Marketing strategy is the techniques that an organization implements in order to acquire desired goal in a market place. Every marketer should spurn out good strategies so that company the company gains profit and sales rate of the product increases. Strategies are made by scrutinizing the market sales of other companies (Wilson, et al.,2012). Competitive advantages can be obtained and an organization can increase their sustainability rate in global market place. Long term goals of an enterprise can be deduced by analyzing the initial situation of the company and the present placement of the organization in the market place postulates the growth rate of the company. The purpose of planning is to take required actions and necessary steps to develop a concrete place among the competitors. Australian mango industry wants to spread their market in Asian market place(Marques, et al., 2014). Australian mango has been successful many places. Indonesian market is not unexcavated by Australia but they want to re institutionalize their business in Indonesia. That is why the Australians now want to extend their business in Indonesia. Economic Environment: The team that was generated by the company for reestablishing the Australian mango market in Indonesia analyzed the market to generate the economic status of Indonesian Market and to evaluate the sale of market in past 3 years. Pricing strategy can be suggested as the economic strategy(Hartley Claycomb, 2013). Economic strategy calculates component of accounts, market condition, paying ability of the customers, margin of trade and actions of the competitors. Economics in business deals with the financial issues that can arise in organization and management. A market involves many systems that affect the price of the product. A product rate may vary from market to market due to the disparity in valuation of money and culture of the market. Economic condition of a country influences the market condition. As an emerging market of Asia, Indonesia has the largest economy in the Asia and hold a significant position in world economy. Indonesia is currently holding its commendable position in market place with 75.5% of the market share while Malaysia has 35.5% of market economy and Korea has overtaken Malaysia by 2.5%. Indonesia is mostly dependent on the domestic market and feasts on the market investments made by the private conglomerates. Indonesia has great potentiality and it has not gone unnoticed by the international company (Nugroho, 2016). The key aspect of Indonesian market is production of fruits and vegetable. The price of fruit depends on the seasonal availability and production quantity. In countries of Asia, Mango is the fruit that has never ending popularity and the fruit is known as the king of fruit(Mitra, 2014). Australia wants to take advantage of the love that the Indonesians have for this fruit. They have studied the market statistics of past 3 year and have formulated a strategy according to it. In 2013, mango sales from May-July were about 45%, in 2014 it was 59% and in 2015 it was 65.9%. Indonesia has stabilized their market which can support export market of mangoes from Australia. Indonesia is the closest neighbor of Australia so it is beneficial for Australia to renew their business with them. The population of Indonesia is nearly 250 million; this means that Australia will be gaining profit over $2000.3 million. In 2015, 70% of mangoes were sold in the market of Indonesia from May to June. Political environment: Political analysis of the country was also necessary to structure out strategies as how to reestablish their export service (Nissinen, 2016). Indonesia is a country which shares genial relationship with other countries who wants to do export business with them. Indonesia commands considerable influence on the issues regarding economy and protection of significance to U.S interest. U.S is the greatest investor in Indonesian market as the country contributes to stability and most importantly to peace. If one is considering future outlook, Indonesia has greater prospect than any other developing countries. The issues that dominate the business climate of Indonesia are Poor infrastructure of the organizations, corruption and constant dispute between the investors (Hadiz, et al.,2013). They possess the principle values to become influential face of the global economy. Their domestic market supplements the power they need to grow in business. The country still likes to do business internal ly. Their private consumption reportedly accounts over 60 percent of total GDP. The growth rate of GDP has been 4.5 percent in 2001 and in 2015 it has reached to 6.1%. in other there is growing discontent about the rising price of fruits and vegetables, but Indonesian market is stable in case of food items and their political culture shows that exporting food items can be profitable for Australian market. Social and cultural environment: Social culture of Indonesia is analogous. They are the kind of people likes to adhere to their culture. But they support multi cultural as they have strong influence of Hinduism, Christianity and Buddhism in their culture. Their official language is Bahasa Indonesia. India and China has a lot of influence in their culture. They share the same passion for the fruit mango. Australia will benefit doing business with them as the growing time of mango in Indonesia differ from the growing time of mango in Australia. Analyzing for the strategy that needs to be chosen: The three key competitors who can hinder the growth of Australian market in Indonesia are Toza Juice, Indojaya Makmurabadi and Indo fruit Co. Ltd. Amongst them Toza fruit suppliers are the most ferocious marketers who exports mangoes to other countries and also has strong hold on the Indonesian fruit market. But our Australian organization has maximum access to markets all over the world. Over 8 percentile of mango that is 4000 to 5000 tons of mangoes gets exported every year and the difference in production season has made Australia leading exporters of mangoes. Supplier power should be assessed in order to scrutinize their power and measure the control they have over the market(Huxley, 2013). Switching of cost keeping on view their cost can add more power to Australian company. The buying power of the consumers should also be taken into consideration so that the price that the rate of the product is affordable to the customer. Lead competitors of the market should be kept on guard. What kind of product they are selling in what rate should always be noted (Jobbe Ellis-Chadwick, 2012). If they are supplying equally attractive product at lower rate and service then the customer are bound to incline their favoritism towards them. Power is the significant element to which one should hold on to. If the security level is low and the market culture of the place allows various entrants at a time then competitors can ruin the potentiality of growth of the business. Durable barriers of capital and strategies can never let the take advantage of the weakness of the organization. Analysis of Porters four components of market has assisted to understand the strategies that can be undertaken by business authorities to be triumphant. Product, place, people and price intensify the level of competition among the organizational rivals. Profitability comes to those who inspects the market and strategize the price of the product considering people and the place. Recommendations on the respect of key strategies: According to the theory proposed by Porter price of the product should be calculated on the aspect of place and people. Indonesia is a developing country and 79.9% of people belong to mediocre background that is why the price of mango should cost 1364250 rupiah for a tray of 689 mangoes. Mangoes should be kept in warehouse and proper temperature must be employed so that the mangoes do not suffer any injury(Narayana, et al.,2012). A proper packaging need to be done meticulously and it is the duty of the logistics team to see that boxes are sealed properly. Mangoes need time to mature and the temperature plays a very important role in the ripening process of mangoes. The ultimate goal of Australian mango association is to supply quality product. Proper documentation are to be made in order arrange cargoes for export purpose, the temperature control of the cargoes need to be checked (De Mooij, 2013). Recording the date of departure of the shipment needs to be taken into account to calcu late the time that it will take to reach the needed destination (Jaafar, et al.,2014). It is the purpose of the lead tea member to list down the necessary information about the procedures from packing to shipping. Conclusion: Australian mangoes have great demand in the market of the world. Indonesia and Australia were involved in mango export business but due to some changes in regulation of Indonesian market the export business was terminated. Days have passed after that incident now again Australia wants to establish their export business in Indonesia. Indonesian economic cultural has tremendously changed since then; the country has flourished and has made a respected position in global market place. Mango is the fruit that every Asian country adores. Australian production time of mangoes differs from that of Indonesia, so Indonesians will be able to satiate their cravings for mango in off seasons also if Australian export business initiates again. Reference: De Mooij, M. (2013).Global Marketing and Advertising: Understanding Cultural Paradoxes: Understanding Cultural Paradoxes. Sage Publications. Hadiz, V. R., Robison, R. (2013). The political economy of oligarchy and the reorganization of power in Indonesia.Indonesia,96(1), 35-57. Hartley, R. F., Claycomb, C. (2013).Marketing mistakes and successes. Wiley. Huxley, T. (2013).Disintegrating Indonesia?: implications for regional security(No. 349). Routledge. Jaafar, M. N., Kamaruddin, R., Che Mat, M. H., Nordin, A. A., Farook, R. S. M., Shakaff, A. Y. M., Zakaria, A. (2014, August). Market-driven-technology-push initiative: the application of controlled environment agriculture production system for mango-on-demand. InXXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): IV 1111(pp. 297-302). Jobber, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2012).Principles and practice of marketing(No. 7th). McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Marques, J. R., Hofman, P. J., Macnish, A. J., Joyce, D. C. (2014, August). Evaluation of temperature management and packaging options to reduce under-skin browning in'Honey Gold'mango fruit. InXXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): IV 1111(pp. 405-408). Mitra, S. K. (2014, August). Mango production in the world-present situation and future prospect. InXXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): IV 1111(pp. 287-296). Narayana, C. K., Rao, D. S., Roy, S. K. (2012). Mango Production, Postharvest Physiology and Storage.Tropical and Subtropical Fruits: Postharvest Physiology, Processing and Packaging, 259. Nissinen, M. (2016).Latvia's transition to a market economy: political determinants of economic reform policy. Springer. Nugroho, Y. (2016). Citizens in@ ction: Collaboration, participatory democracy and freedom of informationMapping contemporary civic activism and the use of new social media in Indonesia. Wilson, A., Zeithaml, V. A., Bitner, M. J., Gremler, D. D. (2012).Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm(No. 2nd Eu). McGraw Hill. Global Business Management Question : Discuss about the Global Business Management ? Answer : Introduction The global business environment could be defined as the environment in different sovereign nations with the factors exogenous to the local environment of the organizations affecting the decision-making on resource use as well as capabilities. It is also observed that the international business environment could be classified into external environment and internal environment when it comes identifying the business opportunities in the global environment. When an organization wishes or starts a business in a global environment, it has to focus on certain areas including the external and internal environment. Most importantly, the organization has to think of the business opportunities that sustain the growth or success of the business. While focusing on the business opportunities the organization should focus on both the present opportunities and historical scenario. Thus, in order to evaluate that area with a real scenario, report considers the country Eritrea in African continent. The report starts with providing an appropriate interpretation of Eritreas political as well as economic structure and its culture attitudes. Furthermore, the report also highlights Eritreas economic co-operation with other nations when it comes to establishment of the business. Based on the discussion and the evaluation, a suitable recommendation has provided that could help to countrys present international business strategies. Political environment It is observed that Eritrea has become an independent republic. The Ethiopian Peoples revolutionary Democratic Front in 1991 deposed Eritreas hard line communist dictator Mengistu. It is identified that the Erirean Peoples Liberation Front gained the control of Asmara without the involvement of Mengistus troops to fight. After having the control over Asmara, the Liberation Front of the country has formed a provisional government. As mentioned by Hirt and Mohammad (2013), the Eritrean independence was held with the contribution of UN and the new Ethiopian government. The people in Eritrea opted for the independent republic. Thereafter, Ethiopia recognizes Eritreas sovereignty on May 3, 1993 and demanded for a new era of cooperation between the two countries. However, this cooperation did not lust for long. The history clearly states that Eritrea and Ethiopia disagreed regarding the demarcation of their borders in 1998. In the month of December 2005, an International Court of Arbitrati on ruled Eritrea had violated international laws when it attacked Ethiopia in 1998 (Sousa et al. 2013). The conflict with Ethiopia remains high across a closed as well a heavily fortified border. It is further observed that threat of war is said to have been implemented by the government to strengthen the society. Although, in 1997 Eritrea demanded for the existence of the multi-party politics, the nation is presently known as the one-party state. On the other side, a demanding report on the human rights abuse, the UN accused Eritreas government against the humanity. According to the estimation done by UN, hundreds of thousands of Eritreans left the country and they are on the journey towards Sahara and the Mediterranean to Europe. While addressing the political environment of the country, it is also learnt that President Islaias Afewerky has ruled the country since it became an independent country. In 2009, UN imposed sanction on Eritrea for its support of Islamist insurgents in Somalia (Gebrewold 2013). Likewise, in 2015 reports accused the government of Eritrea of crimes against the humanity. The political environment of Eritrea also helps to learn that once the United States established the diplomatic relations with Eritrea in 1993 based on the he independence as well as the separation from Ethiopia. It is further observed that the United States supported Eritreas independence; however, the ongoing government detention of political dissidents and the constraints on the civil liberties as well as the allegation of human rights abuse have contributed to strained US and Eritreas relationship. Furthermore, it has also been learnt that at the Eritrean governments request, the United States has stopped providing the bilateral assistance to Eritrea. Thus, the United States has no military-to-military cooperation with Eritrea. The governments of Eritrea as well as ruling party have the control on the economy. It is identified that the United States and Eritrea have poor bilateral trade. The Eritrea is known to be the common market for Eastern and Southern Africa, which has a trade as well as investment Framework Agreement with the United State. Eritreas political environment and relationship with the other country helps to observe that Ethiopia turned down the offer from Eritrea to utilize its well equipped and developed Assabs harbor for import and Export. The country Ethiopia is relied on the use of the railway link to the port of Djibouti. As stated by O'Mahony (2013), due to the continuous tensions with Ethiopia, as well as possible resumption of the war with Ethiopia, the current government of Eritrea is controlling the liberty with human as well as peoples rights. The country has withdrawn the compulsion of exit visa to people under 30 and it has extended the national military as well as public service from 18 months to an open-ended period for the young people. Economic environment or the conditions of Eritrea As put forward by Hepner (2013), the economy is largely based on the substance agriculture with 80% of the population involved both in farming as well as in herding. Thus, as the consequence, a strategic plan for the rural development is the remedy to enhance the developing process. This plan would further help to build a strong strategic agriculture base, which includes the capability of providing the abundant raw materials to the industrial units. The tourism sector in the country has the huge potential to attract and make the foreign investment. The coastal water over which the country has exclusive fishing rights constitutes 52,000 square kilometers of probably the richest and for the most unexploited waters of Red Sea. This provides an enormous opportunity to develop fishing industry and tourism industry. The scenic as well as the topographic diversity of the country and the history are assets to develop a strong tourist destination. The overall GDP covered by the agriculture (1 7%), industry (29%) and services (54%) (Bariagaber 2013). As mentioned by Puddington (2013), Eritrea is one of the worlds most isolated and economically stagnant countries, has been run under the emergency rule. The overall economy of the country remained undeveloped for long time and the implementation of the laws extremely fragile. As the result, almost 9% of the population has left the country in the present days. The economic freedom snapshot The economic freedom status: Repressed Economic freedom score of 2016 is: 42.7 Global Ranking: 173rd Regional Ranking: 45th Notable success: None Concern: Implementation of the laws, management of finance The public sector of the country remains the increasing source of formal employment as well as the informal economy accounts for non-mining private sector activity. It is identified that a repressive fundamental government continuous to deal with the private sector and keeps unexpected poor investment climate. Culture Attitude: the country is suffering expected changes in the government and inappropriate implementation of the laws is affecting citizens of Eritrea. The continuous struggle of Eritrea for self-determination as well as independence created the sense of nationhood on based on general economy. There are other changes occurred in the cultural aspects of the country that are well discussed with Hofstede culture model. Power distance- The power distance index of Hofstede helps to measure the degree to which the less powerful members of the community or the organizations accept and expect that power is distributed and shared unequally. Hence, the inequality indicates that the followers and the leaders who run the nations or the organizations promote the extent of inequality in the country. For example, the Eritrea has 33 on the distance scale of Hofstede analysis compared to US, where the power distance is very high (60). Thus, it can be mentioned that Eritrea has wide gap between the wealthy as well as poor (Desta 2013). The country needs to develop a strong belief in equality for the wellbeing and value of each citizen of the country. This happens as the leaders who run the nations have poor communication with the citizens and the inadequate implementation of the laws could be the major cause of inequality in the country. Individualism- Individualism is the one side versus its opposite, collectivism that is the extent to which the individuals who are united in a group. On the contrary, while considering the individualistic side of the people, there should be ties between the individuals and the society, which should be loose. Hence, Eritrea cannot be considered as the individualistic with a low score on Hosftede culture dimensions. In Eritrea, people do not stress on personal achievement as well as individualistic rights. As the leaders or the government failed to implement the regulations, people only think of own personal interest. Masculinity vs. Femininity-This attribute is referred to the distribution of the roles between men and women. As put forward by Lichtenfels and Rouse (2013), in Masculine society, the roles of men as well as women could overlap. The men are expected to behave assertively. The current scenario of Eritrea indicates that the men rule Eritrean societies. Therefore, the less amount of power is in the grip of women. Eritreas international trade from past to now It is observed that international trade is characterized by its deficit. Thus, the deficit of $499 million increased to o $534 million in 1999 because the value of the export dropped to $26 million compared to the import of $560 million (Messaoud and Teheni 2014). It is learnt that large trade deficit are the vivid sing of Eritreas under-developed economy because of that large range imports do not start to be matched by its output of the exportable goods. While focusing on the large trade deficit, it is necessary to focus on the balance of the trade, which remains as the major difference between the financial value of exports and the imports of output in specific period. Thus, the positive balance is known as trade surplus and if the balance is largely relied on the exporting more than the imported goods, a negative balance is referred as the trade deficit. The overall imported goods accounted for an enormous 89.7% of the GDP in 1998 in Eritrea (Munemo 2014). However, in the same year than an epidemic of cattle disease stopped the large livestock exports to Arab and Yemen, whereas as the time of outbreak of war with Ethiopia, the productivity of the country declined. Furthermore, it is also observed that although the way ended in 2000, the exports of Eritrea is likely to remain as declined or low for the long period due to its destroyed farms and the infrastructure. It has affected the financial resource of the country and the country observed a large displacement of its population. Figure 1: The exports of Eritrea (Source: Lichtenfels and Rouse 2013) The major exported products of Eritrea are such as salt, livestock, foodstuff, textile, flour, sorghum, whereas the major import goods include foodstuff, fertilizers, machinery, spare parts and construction as well as military hardware. At the time of the war, there was sharp increase in military hardware imports, which was the major reason on the defense to jump from 9% of the GDP in 1997 to 44% in 1999 (Mosley 2014). It is further identified that Ethiopia was Eritreas major trading partner until 1998 considering only 65.8% and 64% of the total exports. In addition, other trading partners of Eritrea are such as Sudan, Italy, Saudi Arabia, the United State, Yemen and UAE. The country Sudan was supposed to be Sudans second largest export destination n 19997 considering 17% of the exports, which rose to 27.2% in 1998. During the last phase of the war, in 1996 and 1997, the major trading source for the imported goods was Saudi Arabia, Italy, and the UAE. As put forward, Bereketeab (2014 ) in 1998 Italy would become the most significant supplier of the import followed by UAE. Figure 2: Major trade partners of Eritrea (Source: Munemo 2014) While focusing on the present decade, the Eritrea is observed to be exporting $53M making the country the 166th largest exporter in the world. The last five years of the trade implies that exports of Eritrea have risen at an annual rate of 80.6%, which was $27M in 2009 and now it is $53M in 2014 (Arslan and Zaman 2014). In addition to this statistical information, the Copper Ore has become the most recent exports, which represent almost 94% of the total exports of the country. Another significant export is Precious Metal Ore, which holds almost 2.93% Figure 3: Shared of imports by country to Eritrea (Source: Desta 2013) The current platform of the international trade also helps to learn that exports from Eritrea is amounted to US$443 million in 2015, it is increased to 29.09% since 2011 (Hirt 2014). However, it is -24% down from 2014-2015. As put forward by Madichie (2015), the international exports of Eritrea accounted for 99% of the overall value of its international shipment. The statistics provided by the International Monetary Funds World Economy outlook Database, the total GDP of Eritrea is around $8.7 billion in 2015 (Yohannes 2014). On the contrary, the exports accounted for almost 5.1% of overall Eritrean economic output. The following are the export product groups that represent the increasing dollar value in Eritrean global shipments throughout 2014. Gems, precious metals: $5.5 million (1.4%) Ores, slag: US$424.8million: (95.9% of the total exports) Aluminum: $8117000 (0.18%) Live animals: $503,000 (0.11%) Copper ores as well as concentrates propelled the ores, slag and ash category as the largest-growing among the fast 10 export categories. On the contrary, the fastest-declined category among the top 10 Eritrean exports was gems and precious metals which decreased by -98.3%. As put forward by Tesfayohannes, Tessem and Tewolde (2015), Exports in Eritrea rose to 72 USD in the year 2015 from 60 USD million in 2014. It is also observed that the average of the exports in the country is around 74.39 USD million from 1992 until 2015. Figure 4: Eritreas exports in the last decade (Source: Hirt 2014) Eritrea Trade Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Trade balance -833.000 -750.00 -157.08 -833.00 CAF Million [+] Exports 72.00 60.00 200.00 11.00 USD Million [+] Imports 905.00 809.00 905.00 214.47 CAF Million [+] Current Account -143.00 -93.00 188.10 -167.00 USD million [+] Current Account to GDP -1.20 0.20 39.99 -39.00 USD Million [+] Table1: Eritrea Trade balance (Source: Burlando, Cristea and Lee 2015) Characteristics the governments attitude to international trade, both outward and inward It is observed that while there are significant opportunities, particularly in the extractive industries, the government of Eritrea maintains the command economy with the activities performed by the government predominating over the private organizations. As opined by Arouri, Youssef and Elgin (2014), unreliable exchange rate, import regulation, unrealistic exchange rates, limitation on the profits, getting the consent of the construction permit unless the government and country travel transactions wok to undermine the trade as well as investment sanction the project. On the contrary, the large investors of United State should be aware of the global sanction regime placed on the country. As the consequence, there is very little direct investment made by the large investor the United States. The country Eritrea does not have increasing number of investors due to the continuous war that is ended in 2000. Therefore, the country has lost the opportunity of exporting and importing of goods Ethiopia. As opined by Hirt (2015), nevertheless, at the end of the last year, the government emphasized on the old currency and issues new currency, creating major issue in liquidity because there was a continuous insufficiency of the supply of the money. Furthermore, it is also identified that Eritreas labor pool is well equipped and qualified in comparison with the neighboring state. It is identified that the war with Ethiopia and its aftermath have deprived the Ethiopia of major economic role as the external trading. While specifically focusing on the current impact government attitude on international trade, it is pointed out that the country has lost multiple opportunities of making the business relations with other countries. According to the viewpoint of the demonstrators that have raised the voice against the characterization of the country, Eritrea is demonized by the global system that never wants Eritrea to become independent state. The current government is trying to enhance the country with the constrained resources as well as under the persistent threat of the largest neighbor as well as earlier occupying power. The investment opportunities in Eritrea are observed to be most promising in the minding, minerals, and energy as well as agriculture sectors. It is observed that foreign activity in financial services, domestic wholesome trade, and domestic r etail trade is prohibited. Attitude towards foreign direct investment- The five indicative development plan 2014-2018 of Eritrea helps to observe that the country encourages foreign direct investment as well as enacts the competitive fiscal regulations as well as the packages to assure a fair return for risk while increasing the benefits to the host country. However, the policies of Eritrea disapprove that pronouncement. The Foreign Finance Special Investment (FFSI) proclamation provides the confirmation of foreign investment, particularly controls the FDI in financial services, domestic wholesale trade, domestic retail trade as well as commission agencies. As stated by Desta, Tedla and Zerom (2015), the investment opportunities in Eritrea are most promising in the extractive industries and agriculture sectors. The country Eritrea prefers to gain controlling interests in any wide undertaking and it takes the stand of smaller entities while targeting the multinational organizations. As opined by Evenett and Fri tz (2015), poor consistency, greater level of government commitment to structural reform persistently hampering Eritreas growth and development. It is further observed that investors in Eritrea deal with the risk including lack of transparency in the regulatory techniques and constraints on the possession as well as exchange of foreign currency and repatriation of profits. The country faces the difficulties in accessing any part of the country outside of Asmara and the government faces the trouble in acquiring the license as well as construction consent. Constraints on Foreign Control- It is observed that foreign financial investment constrains the foreign investment in the financial services and domestic whole trade but it allows investment in the other sector. GSE or the ruling party of the country controls most of the large businesses in the country. In addition, the GSE has the special interest towards the large venture and they are always on the favor of collaborating with the small organizations. It is further observed that in the year 2005, the Government of Eritrea suspended all private construction activities and relying only on the state-run firms for this particular operations. One of the major economic reforms was supposed to be conducted in 2013 but the president of the country did not aim to facilitate provision of construction consent to private firms. Investment Trends- It is observed that the Government of the State of Eritrea tends to maintain a command economy collaborating with the government bodies dominating over the private firms. It is also identified that many of the major firms are either the party owned or military owned. The government of the Eritrea started encouraging some of the significant forms of international investment in 2012. Likewise, some of the currency reforms were introduced in 2013. An increasing number of broader reforms that would impose restriction on business licensing as well as imports considered as underdeveloped such as energy, fisheries as ready for enactment in 2013 (Tomsik et al. 2015). However, the president of the country does still not approve them. As the consequence, the areas that remains underdeveloped such as energy, fisheries as well as tourism. Furthermore, it is also observed that investors in Eritrea face the challenge including the poor transparency in the regulatory process. While focusing on the international business trend in Eritrea, mining is observed to be nations successful economic sector. In addition to this all these, an increasing number of reputable international organizations are present in Eritrea either implementing minerals exploration or mining. Nevertheless, it is also observed the country remains unable to process the raw materials since, there is no reliable power for smelting and the raw materials are exported to other countries constraining the return. As stated by Carbonell and Allison (2015), the increasing GDP growth in the current years has been controlled and led by the foreign investment in the mining industry. Notwithstandin g, due to the lack of transparency, the size of mining, the overall profits and the earning appears to be trailing off as the result. Moreover, it is also learnt that the government of Eritrea put the limit on the possession and the exchange of foreign currency and the limit was on the transparency in conversion as well as transfer policies. Potentiality for formal economic co-operation with other nation through relevant trade grouping The relations between the Eritrea as well as Eritrea and EU were found to be tightened in the first of the independence. The European Commission started its delegation in Asmara in 1995. In the last 20 years, the EU has actively worked collaborating with Eritrean authorities to increase or the standards or the livelihoods of Eritrean people. In the first 10 years, the development cooperation between the European Union and Eritrea emphasized on the reconstruction following devastation at the time of the war and independence (Brink 2015). The European Development Fund is the major EU instrument for the improvement cooperation with Eritrea. Hence, the funding is provided by the voluntary donations by the members of European Union. Initially, European Development fund focused on restoring microeconomic stability as well as viability. When it comes to the initiative of holding the foreign currency, the countries in relations with the Eritrea had to face major difficulties. The foreign organizations have been seen to be unable to covert nakfa intro foreign currencies. For instance, the foreign air carriers have millions of unconvertible nafka in the local banks. It is further identified that monetary stability in the country is fragile, which reflects the excessive creation to fund chronic fiscal general deficits. The issues remain for long time with the inclusion denomination of bills such as availability of 20 nafka with no explanation. The government of the country imposed a limit on cash withdrawal of ERN 10,000. This has fuelled the continuous prevailing issues (Madichie 2015). Furthermore, while focusing the economic cooperation with other nation, the country Eritrea made the tentative moves to strengthen the relationship with other neighbors in the region in 2012 by reengaging with Australia and the regional Intergovernmental Authority on Development. According to the UN report fund, the Eritrean government had reduced the direct support of the Islamist militant group in Somalia. Nevertheless, it is also observed that Eritrea prolonged to violate the UN Security Council resolution and recommendations that arms ban remain for long. It is also observed that corruption is the major issue in the country. The control of the government over the foreign exchange effective and it gives a sole authority over the imported goods. According to the data provided by the International Crisis Group, the senior military officials are the major culprits in the mentioned trade. These officials have corrupted the relationship with other nations. On the contrary, the regulati ons do not allow independent media to run in Eritrea and governmental bodies have built the control on all broadcasting outlets. As stated by Mosley (2014), Eritrea is classified as the least developed country under the list formed by CDP (Committee for development policy) of the UN economic as well as social council. It is found out that due to the continuous liberation war and the recent boarder conflict with Ethiopia, the economy of Eritrea has suffered from the continuous setback based on this scenario; the country is trying to fight back. When no budget is disclosed by the government as well as the statistical basis is constrained, the reasonable estimates imply the economy of Eritrea is widely based on the agriculture involving the significant portion of subsistence agriculture and increasingly developing mining sector. Mining, fisheries, and tourism are sectors with the considerable potential. It is also identified that Eritrean society has made enormous effort in respect of soil preservation as well as water harvesting. However, they still have to focus on the import of every part of its food requireme nt that might have put significant strain on the foreign exchange. The statistical record mentioned that in the 2015, the government of the country launched a significant reforms aid at minimizing the informal trading sector as well as enhancing the banking sector. The country is also reviewing its economic policies and it has engaged itself in the discussion with the international trade partners as the ways of enhancing its human resources. This could be done through the target initiatives in both vocational training and education. The current economic cooperation with other nations of Eritrea helps to observe that the major purpose of European Union cooperation with Eritrea is to provide enhanced livelihoods of the Eritrean population through the poverty reduction as well as the achievement of Millennium Development Goals. Thus, Eritrea could provide sustainable social and economical development. When pursuing countrys economic and social development, Eritrea is dealing with the considerable challenge. As put forward by Woodward (2016), Energy security could be one of the major condition for the enhancement of all economic as well as social sectors and the enhancement of livelihood of all citizens. Poverty reduction as well as the expansion of the economic output, especially in the higher productivity sector, could require a considerable increase in electricity generation as well as distribution. The discussion on the economic cooperation with other nation, it is observed that country did not have the ability to reinforce the relationship with other country in terms of trade and investment. The continuous war with the Ethiopia and other nations has largely harmed the both physical and financial resource of the country. The country suffered from continuous economic crisis. However, the relationship with EU once strengthened countrys policies of international trading. Personal view regarding Eritreas international trade using some of the explanatory theories in hill While discussing the international trade opportunities in Eritrea, it is learnt direct trade investment in Eritrea is unavailable. However, rough estimates could be developed based on the trade statistics of trade partners. Moreover, the preliminary data for 2015 imply that Eritrea has gained a big deficit of USD 150 million (Kohl, Brakman and Garretsen 2016). On the contrary, as the economy across the world has taken a deep turn making it easier to start the business by introducing the technology as well as reducing the capital requirement. The discussion makes it evident that Eritrea is on a quest to form its nation with sweat but not debt. Although, the country is impoverished by its war for independence, the country is rich with the sprit, resourcefulness as well as the knowledge. The country has built the belief and the principle to recreate itself with the expertise of its citizens. After receiving the independence, the country has become very concerned about their strengths in ward, developing the self-efficiency as well as rejecting the outside assistance that did not further more towards the political as well as economical economy. Apart from the relationship with EU and Ethiopia, Eritrea has the opportunity to make an effective business relationship with UAE. Thus, as the positive consequence, Eritrea has been sourcing from large Dubai. As UAE has been supplying goods to Eritrea for local consumption and distribution to the neighboring markets, the country could increase the business opportunities. Describing the nature of the advantages- The geographical proximity of UAE emerges as the effective and the ideal partner for the under-developing country like Eritrea. The import and export goods from UAE are shipped straight to Eritrea as well as onwards to Ethiopia and Sudan. The major fact is that these nations do not have a well developed manufacturing platform, which means these nations must have to import most of their requirements for customers and the capital goods. The present scenario indicates that there are about 2500 manufactures organizations in Eritrea that are contributing to the growth of employment. Considering two other theories of trade While discussing the internal trade and its strategies, the organizations are seen to be using some particular theories for the growth and establishment of the business. Among different trade theories, two significant theories are classical theory and absolute advantages. Classical or country based trade theory- This theory was developed in the sixteenth century and it is one of the earliest efforts to enhance an economic theory (Lester et al. 2016). Based on the principle of this trading theory, the country needs to the determine its wealth by the amount of the gold as well as silver holding. In general, it can be mentioned that, the country should maximize its acquisition of gold as well as silver by promoting exports as well as preventing imports. The major objective of the country is to have a trade surplus or to build a situation where the values of the exports are larger than the value of the imports. This theory can be applied to the business environment of Eritrea, as after forming the relationship with UAE, the country has started exporting the goods to the destined country. With the contribution of the government, the local organizations have taken the initiatives of exporting the goods the neighboring country such as Dubai under UAE. Absolute advantages- This is another significant trade theory mostly applied by the countries that prefer to make business relations with other nations in the same continent. This theory emphasized on the ability of a country to provide or produce goods more effectively than any other nations (Gilpin 2016). According to this theory, the trade between the nations should not be restricted by the policies developed by the government of the nations. The principles of the theory states that trade should grow or flow naturally in accordance with the market forces. If two countries are considered in a hypothetical way; for example, if Eritrea could produce a good cheaper or faster than the country Ethiopia, then Eritrea gain the advantages as well as could focus on specializing on producing that goods. Likewise, if country Ethiopia was effective at producing another goods it could also focus on the specialization. Thus, both of the nations could gain certain advantages by applying this theo ry. However, the governmental policies and the nature of becoming the individual producer makes it difficult for the country rely on such theory of business. Moreover, the continuous war with Ethiopia made it worse for Eritrea. On the contrary, as UAE produce high quality and large rage of goods, Dubai may not come to make deal of gaining absolute advantages. Present position using the extended form of Porters Diamond of national competitiveness Factor Condition- This condition is about creating its own significant factor such as potential resources and technological foundation (Dowlah 2016). While focusing on the international trade opportunities in Eritrea, the resource base of the country indicates that mining is the major resource of Eritrea based on this particular resource, the country could gain competitive advantages. Hence, Eritrea does not have face the shortage of raw materials and production of mining can be done with the existing producer. Thus, the country has the opportunity for global trade with such a significant resource. Figure 5: Porters Diamond of national competitiveness (Source: Dowlah 2016) Demand condition- As put forward by Gilpin (2016), when a particular market for particular product is locally wider than the foreign markets and as the result local firms pay significant attention to the product than the foreign markets, this scenario could lead to the competitive advantages at that time when the local organizations start exporting the product. However, in Eritrea, the most demanded product exist in the mining sector and the country does not have those large local market- local firms; thus, the country has to depend on the foreign organizations only. Related and supporting industries- This happens when the local supporting industries are competitive and the organizations gain more cost effective and innovative inputs (Hazari 2016). This particular effect is reinforced when the suppliers remain as the strong global competitors. When it comes to export of resources, mining products are highly demanded; thus, Eritrea could be the significant supplier. The country could dominate the global market if the government reinforces international trading policies. Firm Strategy, structure and Rivalry- This principle of the porters diamond helps to observe that local conditions affect the firm strategy (Turnes and Ernst 2015). For example, UAE companies prefer to be hierarchical and Eritreas companies prefer to be smaller. Thus, this strategy as well as structure helps to determine the type of industry contributes to the excellence of the nation. The current state of Eritrea evidently is affecting the local organizations in its all industries. For instance, the Ethiopia- Eritrea border dispute is included within a series of domestic political conflicts in each state and this further linked to the instability in Somalia. This scenario has minimized the trading opportunities of Eritrea. The porters national diamond competitiveness helps to identify that Eritreas competitiveness is less as the industries in Eritrea have poor capacity to innovate as well as upgrade. Organizations should gain competitive advantages against worlds best competitors due to the pressure as well as challenge. However, due to unfavorable situation such as continuous war, unfavorable political environment minimized the opportunity of the local organizations in Eritrea. Recommendation for possible improvements to the nations present international trade strategy Focus on the communication- It is evident that communication service in Eritrea is under developed due to poor country structure. In fact, it is also observed that communication sector is among lowest in the world. Therefore, by gaining advantages from the major resources, the country should largely focus on the technology. Technological advancement might contribute to the business expansion. Foreign organizations could enter the market if the country has the technological base. Focus on the transport service- The intensive discussion provides the insight that transport service in Eritrea is under developed. The inadequate transportation network is the consequence of armed conflicts that destroyed the infrastructure and the discouraged the maintenance work. The road network of the country should be extended, especially in the mining sector and in the free-trade zone. In addition, the border areas should be developed for export and import of the goods from the countries Eritrea currently in a relation with. Reforms in the government policy- As the government policies as well as trade flow are largely affected by the government policies as well as the regulations. It is observed that government policies are affecting agriculture industry such as taxes, tariffs, duties and subsides. Therefore, the government of Eritrea needs to reform its policies of international trading such as that imposes restriction on export and imports business. Conclusion On the completion of the report, it can be mentioned that Eritrea has been suffering from the deficiency of business opportunities that is affecting countrys growth. Countrys economy is in the state of uncertainty. Thus, the develop the trade sector, government of the country rather focus on reinforcing resource sector such as mining and agriculture rather making the relation with Ethiopia which seems to be unrecoverable. On the contrary, it could focus on the export of its major resource such as livestock, flour, and salt to UAE. In addition, the country needs to enhance the agriculture production as well as the productivity through the development of the irrigated agriculture. Eritrea should improve capital as well as knowledge-intensive export oriented industries and services. 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