
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Developing Trust and Cohesiveness in Multidisciplinary Team

Developing self-assertion and gluiness in Multidisciplinary TeamXNB172 Nutrition and Physical Activity sound judgement item number 1 Case Study Part B Reflection TemplateTeam Strength Identified High direct of Cohesion, Communication TrustTeam weakness identified Lack of Goals coactionReferencesAndersson, T., Liff, R. (2012). Multiprofessional cooperation and accountability pressures.Public Management Review,14(6), 835-855.Atwal, A., Jones, M. (2007).The importance of the multidisciplinary team. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants,1(9), 425-428.Bernthal, P., Insko, C. (1993). Cohesiveness without groupthink The interactive effects of social and task cohesion. crowd Organization Management, 18(1), 66-87. inside10.1177/1059601193181005Ellis, P. M. (2012). The importance of multidisciplinary team management of patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. Current Oncology (Toronto, Ont.),19(Suppl 1), S7-S15. inside10.3747/co.19.1069Erdem, F. (2003). Optimal conceive and tea mwork From groupthink to teamthink. Work Study, 52(4/5), 229.Greene, C. (1989). Cohesion and productivity in work groups. Small Group Behavior, 20(1), 70-86.Kleingeld, A., van Mierlo, H., Arends, L. (2011). The effect of goal setting on group movement A meta- analytic thinking.The Journal of Applied Psychology,96(6), 1289.Melis, A. P., Tomasello, M. (2013). Chimpanzees (pan troglodytes) strategic helping in a collaborative task.Biology Letters,9(2), 20130009. doi10.1098/rsbl.2013.0009Nahrgang, J., DeRue, S., Hollenbeck, J., Spitzmuller, M., Jundt, D., Ilgen, D. (2013). Goal setting in teams The impact of study and performance goals on process and performance.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,122(1), 12-21. doi10.1016/j.obhdp.2013.03.008Offermann, L. R., Rosh, L. (2012). Too close for comfort? Distinguishing between team intimacy and team cohesion. Human Resource Management Review,22(2), 116-127. doi10.1016/j.hrmr.2011.11.004Vosmer, S. (2012). The usefulness of group analysis in the conceptualization and treatment of Personality rowdyisms and Complex/Post-traumatic stress disorder.Group Analysis,45(4), 498-514. doi10.1177/0533316412462526Weinstein, B. (2003). Conduct successful team meetings.Chemical Engineering Progress,99(11), 71.Appendix(Reference Confederate Cross University Division of Teaching and Learning (2013) Southern Cross University Teamwork Guide. Downloaded from scu.edu.au/teachinglearning/download.php?doc_id=12945 on 18th February 2014)1Claudia AmouzandehSemester 1 2014

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