Friday, May 31, 2019
Students Should be Required to Wear Uniforms to School Essay -- Public
Students Should be Required to Wear Uniforms to SchoolDo you always ask yourself why do students wear those horrible supplys? Well, 99% of the students do, whatever find that unnecessary, some find them obsolete, and others just hate those unexciting colors. Nonetheless, they are wrong when they think that uniforms are not necessary, since they are. Because the teachers need to see students as equal, plus, garb always distract other peck, and as proved on a survey, 78% of the students prefer clothes that are inappropriate for school and for some people these clothes might be impolite.When you meet somebody, what is the first thing that you look at? As humans, we always take a first impression about people, and all the times criticize them depending of the clothe that they wear, their appearance, and their manifestation in front of people, and we do not do it because we are mean or terrible, everybody does, it is unavoidable. That is one of the uniforms function, maintain student s as equal for the teachers, and that way evading that teachers judge them, uniforms are an obligation, it is not their choice. Teachers need to grade students, and this way they will do it about the students manners, not by their clothes. And students need to have the same level and conditions on the class, because they need to be equal to a teacher this way we can evade unfairness.Arent colors and nice textures ...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Animal Farm, by George Orwell :: Animal Farm Essays
One of the things I like about small presses is that theyll take chances on authors who write about things outside of the mainstream. III Publishing has been one of my preferent sources for libertarian/anarchist fiction and science fiction ever since I picked up and totally enjoyed The Last Days of Christ the Vampire. Now they bring us deuce fine contributions to anarchist SF literature. If you loved George Orwells Animal Farm, youll love this "sequel." Many who have read Orwells classic missed the basic underlying anti-authoritarian message, instead reading it as an allegory about the Soviet Union. In Anarchist Farm we find an extension of the philosophies underlying Animal Farm, but this time with a more cheerful outcome. Contemporary concerns such as ecocide and animal rights are also woven into this readable book. In fact, it is written in a style appropriate for puerile readers. As in Animal Farm, the main characters here are animals and they talk. They also have cut e names. Pancho is a pig who has escaped from the regime that has taken all over the maturate portrayed in Animal Farm. He is befriended by some wild animals, who are later revealed to be the "Forest Defenders." The Defenders turn out to be very similar to Earth First Pancho eventually finds a farm whose owner has recently died. In response to the death of their benevolent owner, the animals turn the farm into a successful anarchist collective. As the months roll by, the animal start to worry about what might happen to them when the humans come to auction polish off the farm. The ending will surprise you. It should also be mentioned that the book also deals with monkeywrenching and its consequences. Anarchist Farm is funny, thought-provoking, and inspiring. Its an excellent sequel to Animal Farm. Lets hope that a some more readers "get it" this time. A.D. is a science fiction story set in the U.S.A. in the near future. Radical changes have altered the very semip olitical geography of the continent the Klux Klan Klan and other white supremacists control what was the southern U.S., the Nation of Islam controls what was the Midwest, and the West Coast is all that remains of the old U.S. "liberal democracy." Fred Hampton Rush senior is a middle-aged black man living in Chicago, which is now the capital city of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam in North America.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Eliots Inferiority Exposed in Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and Sweeney Among the :: Love Song J. Alfred Prufrock
Eliots Inferiority Exposed in Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and Sweeney Among the Nightingales The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock tells the write up of a single office, a timid, middle-aged man. Prufrock is talking or thinking to himself. The epigraph, a dramatic speech taken from Dantes Inferno, provides a key to Prufrocks nature. Like Dantes character Prufrock is in hell, in this case a hell of his own feelings. He is both the you and I of line one, pacing the citys grimy streets on his lonely walk. He observes the foggy evening settling down on him. Growing more and more hesitant he postpones the moment of his decision by telling himself And thusly there will be time. Prufrock is aware of his monotonous routines and is frustrated, I exact measured out my life with coffee spoons. He contemplates the aimless pattern of his divided and solita ry self. He is a lover, yet he is unable to declare his love. Should a middle-aged man even think of making a project of love? Do I dare/Disturb the universe? he asks. Prufrock knows the women in the saloons known them all and he presumes how they classify him and he feels he deserves the classification, because he has put on a face other than his own. To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet. He has always done what he was socially vatical to do, instead of yielding to his own natural feelings. He wrestles with his desires to change his world and with his fear of their rejection. He imagines how foolish he would feel if he were to make his final cause only to discover that the woman had never thought of him as a possible lover he imagines her brisk, cruel response That is not what I meant, at all. He imagines that she will want his head on a platter and they did with the p rophet John the Baptist. He also fears the ridicule and snickers of other men when she rejects him. Prufrock imagines And would it have been worth it, after all, and if she did not reject him it would bring him back to life and he could say
microsoft :: essays research papers
There is a requirement for a Vehicle Data Management strategy(VDMS) by the United States. The troops currently has numerous trackedand wheeled vehicles in its inventory, with technical data on theiroperation and performance available in manuals and reports.Alternatively, there are dissimilar vehicle performance computer models andapplications, which manipulate characteristics of these vehicles foranalytical purposes, but no standard data depot currently exists forcollection and storage of this information. This project has developa means of storing available information about these tracked and wheeledvehicles in a relational database which will allow the user to easilycreate, retrieve, update, and blue-pencil information via a user-interfaceconnected to the database.The purpose of this project was to create a relational databaseof vehicle information and a user interface for accessing the database.The project allows for a user-friendly environment (Microsoft Excel andAccess) t hat is convenient and efficient for storing, retrieving,updating and displaying vehicle information.The overall objective of this project was to create an updateable,computerized database application, the Vehicle Data Management System(VDMS), which provides a composite reference/storage retrieval systemfor current information pertinent to characteristics of standardmilitary tracked and wheeled vehicles. VDMS is intended to minify theindividual need for periodic reference to technical manuals, reports,and large-scale vehicle files containing large amounts of data. Currently,there exist much data in various places, (technical manuals, files,folders, envelopes, etc.) and no easy way to store, retrieve, update,and manipulate it. Using Visual C++ (programming language) and Access(database, the goal of this project was to provide a faster and moreefficient manner to create, retrieve, update, and delete the informationcontained in these vehicle files.VDMS manipulates vehicle data files that are currently beingused as data for vehicle performance models such(prenominal) as the NATO ReferenceMobility Model (NRMM). NRMM is an example of an computerized modeldeveloped in the early 1970s that combines many mobility-relatedtechnologies into one comprehensive package designed to predict thephysically constrained terrain/vehicle interaction of vehicles operatingin on-road and off-road terrain. Since its beginning NRMM has beencontinually updated and expanded as a result of ongoing mobilityresearch and is now in its second release (NRMM II). NRMM provides theNATO members with a standard reference for mobility performanceevaluations. NRMM is integrated into other automated models providingthe mobility predictions for several other tactical, analytical, andwar-gaming models. Currently, the data files are rather large and arenot easily read and the data pertaining to these vehicles are stored intext files. These files are not in a format that is easily understood.Having the d ata in a database allows the user to manipulate and access
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Interpretation of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
Interpretation of Romeo and Juliet What would cause young lovers to mysteriously commit suicide so they can be together? Is it their parents who forbid them to see ace another, or is it themselves? William Shakespeares play, Romeo and Juliet, tells about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths were caused by fate, not their parents or themselves. First of all, Romeo and Juliet were from feuding families Romeo a Montague, and Juliet a Capulet. Romeo was so depressed about his unrequited love for Rosaline when it just so happens, he goes to a masquerade party. There, he falls for Juliet, the daughter of Lord Capulet, and forgot about Rosaline. When theyre in conclusion torn apart, thats when both Romeo and Juliet realize they are from enemy families. Their love, of course, brings down their immediate marriage and Friar Lawrence agrees in hope to stop the feuding families. Unfortunately, Tybalt and Mercutio are killed and Romeo gets banished leaving Juliet without a husband or a cousin. O, I am a fortunes fool, (Act III, Scene I) explains how Romeo felt at the moment of Tybalts death. He felt that he fell into one of fates many cruel games and it was in addition late to get out. When things are just getting worst, Lord Capulet arranges for Juliet to marry Paris causing Juliet to panic. She then has to hurry and do something to stop the wedding and of course fate would just happen to guide her back to Friar Lawrence. Fate wouldnt just stop there. He just unploughed on going. He has it arranged that Friar John, the messenger who was suppose to deliver the news of Juliets fake death, quarantined. Romeo finds out that Juliet is dead from Balthazar and screams out, Is it een so?--Then I defy you, stars (Act 5, jibe 1, pg. 213). He blames Juliets death on fate and returns to Verona with poison to join her. He leaves a little before Friar John tells Friar Lawrence about his loser to deliver the message. Still, fate didnt stop there. He then makes Friar Lawrence leave his cell and rush to the Capulet vault . Unfortunately, Friar Lawrence is just a little too late and Romeo gets there before he
Interpretation of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
Interpretation of Romeo and Juliet What would cause young lovers to mysteriously commit suicide so they can be unitedly? Is it their parents who forbid them to see one another, or is it themselves? William Shakespeares play, Romeo and Juliet, tells about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths were caused by fate, not their parents or themselves. First of all, Romeo and Juliet were from feuding families Romeo a Montague, and Juliet a Capulet. Romeo was so gloomy about his unrequited love for Rosaline when it just so happens, he goes to a masquerade party. There, he falls for Juliet, the daughter of Lord Capulet, and forgot about Rosaline. When theyre finally part apart, thats when both Romeo and Juliet realize they are from enemy families. Their love, of course, brings down their immediate marriage and Friar Lawrence agrees in hope to waive the feuding families. Unfortunately, Tybalt and Mercutio are killed and R omeo gets banished leaving Juliet without a conserve or a cousin. O, I am a fortunes fool, (Act III, Scene I) explains how Romeo felt at the moment of Tybalts death. He felt that he fell into one of fates some cruel games and it was too slowly to get out. When things are just getting worst, Lord Capulet arranges for Juliet to marry Paris causing Juliet to panic. She then has to hurry and do something to stop the wedding and of course fate would just happen to guide her back to Friar Lawrence. Fate wouldnt just stop there. He just kept on going. He has it arranged that Friar John, the messenger who was suppose to hold the news of Juliets fake death, quarantined. Romeo finds out that Juliet is dead from Balthazar and screams out, Is it een so?--Then I defy you, stars (Act 5, scene 1, pg. 213). He blames Juliets death on fate and returns to Verona with poison to join her. He leaves a little before Friar John tells F riar Lawrence about his failure to deliver the message. Still, fate didnt stop there. He then makes Friar Lawrence leave his cell and rush to the Capulet vault . Unfortunately, Friar Lawrence is just a little too late and Romeo gets there before he
Monday, May 27, 2019
Relationship between Satyagraha and Swaraj for Gandhi Essay
The word Satya means Truth and Graha means Force, Satyagraha therefore means Truth press or the force obtained by the practice of truth. The term Satyagraha is largely associated with non-violence. Gandhi advocated Satyagraha as a means to compass Swaraj or self- ecesis. Satyagraha is a policy-making philosophy propagated and honest by Gandhi and his followers. The practitioners of this philosophy are called satyagrahis.The satyagrahis are guided by the principles advocated by Gandhi based on Yoga Sutra non-violence, truth, non-stealing, chastity, non-possession and fearlessness. The essential elements of Satyagraha are civil-disobedience and non-cooperation as a means to attain freedom. Civil-disobedience entailed breaking a law which is found as unjust and courting arrest. Non-co-operation meant refusing to co-operate with the opponent, refusing to submit to the injustice being fought (What is Satyagraha?). Gandhiji felt that laws which were totally against the welfare of the p eople could be fought peacefully by organizing mass-protests in a civil way (Jyotsna Kamat) The elementary principles of Satyagraha are essentially based on non-violence. It is observed as a basic fact that violence brings more violence. Violence causes destruction, damage to people and office and any violent protest, even for a right cause, invariably leaves a damaging mark on the society.Non-violence on the contrary is free from the negative aspects of violence, yet non-violent protests send a very strong message and are successful. Gandhi believed that by demonstrating protests in a non-violent piecener it is possible to completely transform the antagonist and effect a positive change. He believed that transformation in the antagonist mindset privy only be brought about by non-violent means. He worked to convert the antagonist, to truly transform him from within which forms the core values of Satyagraha.Thus the political philosophy of Satyagraha with non-violence as its ess ence is an ideology that came to be widely accepted and practiced. It is a concept that has been instrumental to the independence of India. The concept of civilized protests with no damage to public property and protesting without resorting to violence of any sort is commendable. Gandhis idea of civil disobedience and civil non-cooperation emphasizes a respect for the general rule of the law and is focused on protesting only against any law that is felt as unjust.Swaraj lays stress on governance not by a hierarchical government, but self governance through individuals and community building. The focus is on political decentralization (Wikipedia). The basic idea of Swaraj was to evolve a political system where the power ultimately lies in the hands of the people, building a government for the people and by the people.The real goal of the freedom struggle was not only to secure political azadi (independence) from Britain, but rather to gain true swaraj (liberation and self-rule) (What is Swaraj?) as Gandhi explains It is Swaraj when we learn to rule ourselves. Swaraj is Gandhis endeavor to build a political system where the common man is empowered and he had a spiritual outlook towards his political philosophy which is reflected in the principles of Swaraj. According to Gandhi, at the individual level Swaraj is vitally connected with the capableness for dispassionate self-assessment, ceaseless self-purification and growing self-reliance. He believed that it is important for people to rule themselves properly and never be a disturbance to the society.Swaraj is when everyone is his own regulation and the government facilitates this individual and community development. Works Cited Jyotsna Kamat. 14 April 2005. Mahatma Gandhi Story of Satyagraha. 1996-2009 Kamats Potpourri. http//www. kamat. com/mmgandhi/satyagraha. htm. 18 July 2009 Satyagraha. Wikipedia Foundation Inc. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Satyagraha. 18 July 2009 What is Satyagraha?. Gandhi Research Foundation. www. gandhifoundation. net. 18 July 2009 What is Swaraj?. The Swaraj Foundation. www. swaraj. org . 18 July 2009
Sunday, May 26, 2019
A parent’s guide to teenagers Essay
Mahsa Being a p arent or carer is one of the most fantastic and honor things in life, however it can also be challenging. As a boot or carer, you have a huge influence on your give-and- accept or daughters life. Your impact can armed service them become who they are, to shape their values and aspirations. Knowing how to respond to their teenage needs isnt always easy. There in reality is no straight forward answer, however this guide exit convinced(predicate)ly armed service you get one step closer to helping your teen with their problems. What makes teenage years so special?Between the age of thirteen and nineteen, people develop physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. People of these ages ay most likely be dealing with umpteen problems and pressures. Theyll be experimenting with friendships and relationships. At this time, school or work nay be adding pressure to their lives. Puberty will also occur in these years, it can be very confusing and even frightenin g for your small fry. Through adolescence, both girls and boys will be feeling self conscious and worried about fitting in. iodine of the most difficult things about being a parent or carer to a teenager is clear-sighted when to let your child make their own decisions and knowing when to step in and help. Helping your child with self esteemOne of the main struggles in the adolescence stage is self esteem. Its often hard for a teenager to feel good about themselves, this could be because theyre surrounded by images of perfect men and women. As a parent, you have a live role in shaping how your child sees themselves. You have to watch what you say, whether or not they show it, your child listens to your opinion. Comments about their weight, intelligence or other abilities may mean nothing to you, but they stick with your child. For example, instead of pointing out to your child that theyre overweight, you could ask them to exercise with you. One of the best ways you can help your child feel better about themselves is to compliment their good attributes. Emphasise their positive things or a regular basis. If you tell your child something enough times, theyll shortly start to believe that in themselvestoo. Helping your child with peer pressure Another struggle that occurs mostly in the adolescence stage is peer pressure. In your childs adolescence stage they are most likely going to be influenced by other teenagers, however there are steps you can take to help them.You cant choose your childrens friends, however you can encourage them to hang out with friends who exhibit positive peer pressure. If they have friends who are behaving and following the rules, theyll more likely to follow them too. In their early teens, speak to them about what kind of behaviour you expect from them and what behaviour you do not and will not tolerate. Teach them to say no when theyre uncomfortable with doing something. Set clear rules and boundaries for them, however do not do t his without telling them why. Make sure they understand that what youre doing is for their own good. Helping your child with making decisions Teaching your child about decision making and to recognise when he/she have make a good decision is vital.There are many ways you can help your child improve their ability to make wise decisions. Firstly, help your child clarify the problem thats causing them to make a decision, ask them about the situation and what they may need to change. Secondly, you can brainstorm the assertable solutions to the decision that theyre making, usually there will be more than one solution. As a parent you can make an important function by pointing this out to your child and suggesting alternatives. After your child has chosen one solution, discuss the consequences with them. Helping your child with being bulliedEach year Over 3.2 one million million students are victims of bullying and Approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying. Even though many teenagers will not be directly unnatural by serious bullying, they may be victims of it. The first step you should take is to speak to your child about the bullying and how theyre coping. Next, you should inform their school/ status of work about the bullying. Let your child know that youre there for them, reassure them that it isnt their fault and that there is a solution to the problem. By police schools are supposed to help with bullying and in most, if not all schools there are anti bullying rules. To conclude, the main way to help a teenager in their adolescence stage is to be there for them and let them know that youre there if they need anyhelp with the struggles they face. As a parent you play a vital role in their life and if you follow this guide you will be sure to see a positive feeling on your teenagers life.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Individual Assignment Collecting Data Essay
Resource University of Phoenix Material Case Study Scenarios located on the student website.Select and analyse a case study scenario from the University of Phoenix Material Case Study Scenarios located on the student website. Feel throw in the towel to embellish the scenario with additional details, as needed.Complete the New Referral or Inquiry Form based on your selected case study scenario.Write a 350- to 700-word radical in Microsoft Word in which you discuss the importance of collecting appropriate data for intake and assessment forms. Format your radical consistent with APA guidelines.Saying no to things that make you uncomfortable is hardly as important in college as it was when you lived with your parents. Many students experiment with alcohol or sex during their college years, but if you enduret want to do these things, dont let anyone pressure you into them. Your college experience should be about having fun, exploring who you are and preparing for your prospective v ia your classesnot about doing things you dont truly want to do.This face pack includes BSHS 405 Week 2 Individual Assignment Collecting Data Business ManagementResource University of Phoenix Material Case Study Scenarios located on the student website. Select and review a case study scenario from the University of Phoenix Material Case Study Scenarios located on the student website. Feel bounteous to embellish the scenario with additional details, as needed.Complete the New Referral or Inquiry Form based on your selected case study scenario.Write a 350- to 700-word paper in Microsoft Word in which you discuss the importance of collecting appropriate data for intake and assessment forms. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelTo get this worldly Click this link https// no to things that make you uncomfortable is just as important in college as it was when you lived with your parents. Many students experiment with alcohol or sex during their college y ears, but if you dont want to do these things, dont let anyone pressure you into them. Your college experience should be about having fun, exploring who you are and preparing for your future via your classesnot about doing things you dont truly want to do.Business ManagementResource University of Phoenix Material Case Study Scenarios located on the student website. Select and review a case study scenario from the University of Phoenix Material Case Study Scenarios located on the student website. Feel free to embellish the scenario with additional details, as needed.Complete the New Referral or Inquiry Form based on your selected case study scenario.Write a 350- to 700-word paper in Microsoft Word in which you discuss the importance of collecting appropriate data for intake and assessment forms. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Egovernance In Admission Systems Africa Education Essay
What is the quality of way offered in high trown(prenominal)ing establishments. This interrogative sentence has been raised by tout ensemble(prenominal)one associated with higher discipline establishment like institutional members, parents, savants, employees, funding organic structures and the authorities in other words the stakeh obsolescenters of higher cultivation establishments ( HEIs ) ( Bhanti et al. , 201216 ) . Antony ( 2005 ) cited in Bhanti et Al. ( 201116 ) asserts that, the stakeholders raise this inquiry with one or more involvement pupils for pick of establishment parents for worth of personal investing in the instruction of their kids for authorities answerability and policymaking support bureaus for support determinations. The replies for this inquiry can be obtained from different beginnings peculiarly the sure one like regulative governments which pull strings the quality and criterions of higher instruction system.The function of ICT in upstar t-day organisations including HEIs continues to spread extinct in range and complexness ( Garrity et al. , 1998 ) . Recently, the HEIs peculiarly regulative governments obligate cause cognizant of the benefits of e-governance in higher instruction direction systems. In pupils doorways for illustration, HEIs are using ICT for commanding quality of admitted pupils and general quality confidence. In recent old ages, the tilt of ICT invention ( Archmann et al. , 2010 Batagan et al. , 2009372 ) and the turning usage of the Internet and nomadic phones has changed the manner pupils are admitted into higher instruction establishments ( HEIs ) , switching from boring manual(a) to a modern ways such as centralised on-line admittance systems.2.8.1 E-governance in admittance systems WorldwideWorldwide, there is a enormous addition in the inning of colleges, institutes and universities which have raised concern on assorted facets related to the quality instruction such as admittance and the discover of pupils. This has led to the higher instruction regulative governments to maintain an oculus on admittance quality confidence by deploying several systems, which assist in pull offing malpractices related to admittance. Such systems include, the Universities and Colleges Admissions benefit ( UCAS ) in United Kingdom the Joint University Programmes Admissions System ( JUPAS ) in Hong Kong Central Admission System ( CAS ) under Higher Education Admission Centre ( HEAC ) 1 in Oman, which became the first state in the Middle East to follow electronic admittances for pupils seeking higher instruction classs 2 . Others include the Higher Education centralize Admission System ( HECAS ) 3 in Negara B triumphei Darussalam and China s University and College Admission System ( CUCAS ) 4 , to advert a few.Literature show that applicants to a higher instruction system come from a broad scope of backgrounds and, due to this detail, admittances policies need to turn to the devising of rather complex opinions about comparative potency deep down a diverse population of appliers. However, to-date in many states, each(prenominal) higher instruction establishment sets and implements admittances policies that are consistent with its peculiar mission ( QAAHE. 20065 ) . It has been insisted that, the policies and patterns for pupil admittances should be designed to procure a good lucifer between the abilities and aptitudes of the applier and the demands of the political program, therefore taking to the choice of pupils who can moderately be expect to finish their surveies successfully. Those doing admittances determinations need to know apart between appliers, to find who should be selected. This requires an exercising of judgement it is of aftermath that this is underpinned by mention to transparent and justifiable standards ( QAAHE. 2006 ) .2.8.2 E-governance in admittance systems AfricaDespite the fact that several states are implementing electronic a dmittance systems meaning among other things to control admittance malpractices in Africa, the literature portrays that there are fewer enterprises in following electronic admittances for pupils seeking higher instruction. In East Africa, for illustration, merely Tanzania is implementing to the full automated undergraduate admittances into HEIs. However, there is a similar admittance system in Nigeria, which is known as the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board ( JAMB ) 5 . Most of these inventions in Africa s instruction sector have been back up by multi-stakeholder programmes such as the African Virtual University ( AVU ) and the World Bank to advance e-governance in HEIs.2.8.3 E-governance in admittance systems TanzaniaTanzania is ranked 114th out of 132 states in the introduction utilizing scientific discipline and engineering ( URT, 2008 ) . In East Africa, Tanzania is the first state to set up an machine-controlled admittance system in HEIs undergraduate admittances ( T CU, 2010 ) . earth OverviewTanzania is the biggest ( land country ) among the East African states ( i.e. Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania ) . It became free-living from the British on 9 December 1961 and inherited an educational system from its colonial Masterss. Since independency, the Tanzania s instruction system has grown quickly from a simple primary and secondary instruction to a complex instruction system including higher instruction obtain by both public and reclusive sectors ( Mashalla, 20028 ) . Presently, the state has a population of 42,500,000 people ( IMF, 2008 ) 6 . Higher instruction development and enrolment tendency in TanzaniaThe history of higher instruction in Tanzania goes back to pre-independence when the state had no individual higher instruction establishment ( URT, 20081 ) . Tanganyikans who had chances for higher instruction were trained at Makerere, Uganda. Within East Africa, higher instruction was last to come in Tanzania, therefore doing th e state to hold smaller figure of masterful and trained human resources in the state in 1961. The former and first president of Tanganyika had observed this deficit of trained and skilled human resources and stated So small instruction had been provided that in December 1961 we had excessively few people with the necessary instruction makings even to adult male the disposal of authorities as it was so, much less to set about the large economic and societal development work which was indispensable. Neither was the school population in 1961 big muddle to let for any outlook that this state of affairs would be quickly corrected ( Nyerere, 19674 ) .Higher instruction in Tanzania during the last century was predominantly provided by University of Dar es Salaam ( UDSM ) . This was established as a college of the University of London in 1961 and so later it became a portion of the University of East Africa. In 1970, it became an independent University. In the 1970s UDSM was seen as a development university with all pupils being required to analyze development surveies and with field fond regards in many topics. The seminal activity of Sokoine University of Agriculture ( SUA ) as the 2nd university in Tanzania was declarative of an consciousness of the importance of agribusiness in Tanzania s development. The 1980s and early 1990s were a period of diminution for the university with registrations stagnating and passing per pupil falling dramatically. In 1994, the Institutional Transformation Programme was initiated and since so there has been a considerable addition in student Numberss. Several other third preparation establishments have now become universities. More late, a figure of toffee-nosed universities have opened, chiefly run by spiritual organic structures ( Cooksey et al. , 2001 ) .Registration in third instruction during the 1990s was rightfully limited so, with merely around 6,500 undergraduate pupils in 1998/1999 ( Cooksey et al. , 2001 ) . Sin ce the remnant of the 1990s, registration in higher instruction has expanded quickly, although much of the enlargement has been through in private sponsored campaigners, both at the province universities and at private establishments, which have been granted university position. Admissions increased throughout the 1990s but since the 2002/3 academic twelvemonth, the authorities had put a bound on the figure of pupils that it would patronize. Until so, the figure of in private sponsored pupils had been about negligible, but since 2003, most of the enlargement in registration had been through in private sponsored campaigners ( Ishengoma 2004 ) .In recent old ages, the state has been spread outing entree in the instruction sector get downing with primary instruction through the primary instruction development programme ( MMEM ) in 2001, and the secondary instruction development programme ( MMES ) in 2004. Because of this, the state has been in attempts to spread out higher instruction in collaborationism with private sectors to run into the developments achieved at lower full points ( URT, 2010 ) . To day of the month, there are more than 60 higher instruction establishments offering undergraduate grades in the state.Despite the fact that the gross registration rates ( GER ) in higher instruction have been lower side when compared to other developing states ( URT, 2010 ) yet the increased registration at lower degrees has resulted into monolithic force per unit area on higher instruction admittances which in bend has necessitated the constitution of the Central Admission System in the state. Constitution of CAS A instance surveyHigher Education Institutions ( HEIs ) in Tanzania have undergone profound alterations in recent old ages. Significant enlargement of the system in enunciate to acknowledge an increasing cohort of school departers, grownup scholars and by and large a more diverse set of pupils than in the yesteryear has been a firebird portion of this alteration. These alterations have deductions on higher instruction service bringing, for illustration the admittance processes have become excessively complex with many challenges.During the last 10 old ages, the demand for higher instruction in Tanzania had been increasing quickly as a consequence, concerns over undergraduate admittance into HEIs have become an of import point of callment for many stakeholders. Due to the current addition of HEIs and the subsequent enlargement of pupils enrolment, the admittance into these establishments has become complicated ( TCU, 200912 ) taking to a figure of jobs, including pupils passing money and clip in using for admittance to a figure of establishments so as to better their opportunities of being admitted troubles in screening out multiple admittances taking to holds in the start of the academic twelvemonth by universities complications in the expense of pupil loans by the Higher Education Students Loans Board ( HESLB ) ever y bit good as dual payments due to multiple admittances measure uping pupils neglecting to be admitted into universities due to incompatibilities in their applications universities running at a lower grade capacity as a consequence of superficial filling of institutional capacities caused by multiple admittances, therefore denying meriting appliers admittance chances and cheating by some appliers during the admittance procedure.Particular intercession was required and a cardinal admittance system was required to turn to these jobs. Therefore, in order to streamline the pupils admittance procedure, TCU in coaction with universities, NACTE and other HEIs established a new admittance system known as the Central Admission System ( CAS ) , where appliers for HEIs channel their applications centrally at TCU.Introduced in 2010, the CAS system is an electronic application theoretical account designed to cut down incommodiousness among prospective campaigners competing for topographic p oints in universities. The system targets to supplement the manual application system, which forced pupils to go from upcountry to Dar Es Salaam or other towns where the establishments are located in order to make full in application and admittance signifiers. It was early in 2009 when the University Computing Centre Ltd ( a company to the full owned by the University of Dar es Salaam ) was awarded a become to develop a Central Admission System ( CAS ) to be used by all higher instruction establishments ( HEIs ) under the coordination of the Tanzania relegating for Universities ( TCU ) . The system was aimed to treat all applications for admittance into the Tanzanian HEIs will centrally through the system. The purpose of CAS is to computerise HEIs admittance procedure for higher instruction classs. Its basic aims are to lead their range to geographically scattered pupils, cut downing clip in activities, centralized informations handling and paperless admittance with decreased wor k force. Its other factors are greet film editing, operational efficiency, consistency position of informations and integrating with other establishments.Through CAS, applier has to come in merely the Index figure for O degree and A degree Exams, the system populates the personal inside informations and consequences from National Examination Council of Tanzania ( NACTE ) , and if the information provided lucifers so the applier can continue with selecting classs he/she is interested from all registered and take parting establishments. All degree programmes available in the pupils admittance guidebook have their minimal demand pre-configured which is used by the choice algorithm 7 .CAS ( Version I ) was developed utilizing Chisimba model. Chisimba is an unfastened beginning content direction system which is the merchandise of coaction between the 12 African universities who are members of the African Virtual Open Initiatives and Resources group. The proposal was approved on April 2009 and the first demo of the system to more than 40 representatives from HEIs was on 12th November, 2009. The demo was successful and the system execution started in the academic twelvemonth 2010/2011 to day of the month.The Tanzania Commission for Universities ( TCU ) regulates admittance of undergraduate pupils at higher instruction establishments harmonizing to their demands and Markss obtained and the admittance footings specified by the establishments. The TCU undertakings in admittance are specified as followsOrganizing all undergraduate admittances through CAS in coaction with take parting HEIs in regard of standards and admittance demands of each and every establishment harmonizing to subjects and available capacities Pull offing quality in admittances by guaranting that admittance guidelines are followed consequently Procuring admittance database of appliers and providing the Ministry of Education and Vocation learn ( MoEVT ) and other governmental be aftering organisat ions with the statistical informations in coaction with HEIs.Media consciousness of all academic plans for CAS take parting establishments in regard to admission operations in HEIs.Supply pupils with needed pupils Guide books about HEIs with their programmes offered and set up the enquiry service.Receiving, and treating all applications to HEIs in conformity to the submitted and approved programmes with their demands.Forming the Joint Admission mission meeting for all admittances before publish the admittance consequences to appliers and the populace in general.Then administering the acknowledge pupils to the HEIs for senates blessings and advise the pupils, every bit good as the Institutions with the lists of the recognized appliers.Transportation, re-allocate and track withdrawn, postponed, discontinued and recognized pupils in HEIs after allotments.In Tanzania, the on-line application for undergraduate admittance is progressively deriving in popularity ( TCU, 2010 ) . F igures presented by the Tanzania Commission for Universities ( TCU, 2011 ) show that during 2010/2011 academic twelvemonth, when CAS was foremost introduced, 33,361 appliers out of 48,690 were admitted through CAS.2.9 DecisionIn general, e-governance in HEIs, peculiarly in Africa, is still in its babyhood. It has been deployed in several subdivisions? such as in e-learning, e-library, e-payments, etc. but in admittance still attempt is needed to do certain that massification of higher instruction in Africa goes together with quality higher instruction which can easy be controlled and monitored from the entry point, which is admission procedure. However, the execution of these attempts is confronted with many challenges heading to the e-governance execution peculiarly in the public sectors as explained in the literature.1 ) Delete the footers and integrate the web references into the text.2 ) You must continually demo the relevancy to your research subject of the assorted issues t hat you discuss.3 ) Your literature review article reads like a consultancy or direction study there is really small critical battle with the subject ( mostly the consequence of your extended avow on official UN and other studies ) and about no grounds of battle with the relevant sociological literature. External testers will non accept this degree of battle in a PhD thesis.4 ) Of great concern, nevertheless, is the extended plagiarism in the chapter. You have lifted big parts of the chapter, word for word, from ( acknowledged and unacknowledged ) beginnings. This is a really serious issue and may represent evidences for throw outing you from Rhodes and all other South African universities. The regulation is simple and clear utilize your ain words when non citing from a beginning and acknowledge all beginnings when you draw on the thoughts they contain.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
College Football vs Nfl Essay
Many comp atomic number 18 the National Football League (NFL) with college football game but the two are non extremely similar and should never be compared. Yes, besides a few minor rule changes the NFL and college football are the same bet on but there is more than more to football then the rules. College football is bust than the NFL for a wide variety of reasons. First, there exists more passion in college football all ap proximately the sport. Passion cannot be measured in anyway but can be observed and understood by the fans, coaches, and sports community. Players care more ab appear the game and less ab come forth money, while the fans throw off great passion for the university they attend or attended.The lack of an influence money has on the game is admirable. Also, tradition is so vast in college football a game day experience cannot be compared with those of the NFL. The special rivalry games and in stadium events makes college football great. Rivalries, passion, tackleing rules, and time are few of the reasons wherefore college football is better than the NFL. Along with great activities like tailgating, the wonderful scheduling, the entertainment, and the tax return friendly rules college football has the best case for why it is levels above the NFL.Passion is sought after in all sports, and is the most apparent in college athletics. Money determines everything in pro football and the large collision it has is proficient too obvious. The same cannot be said for college football. The great passion and emotion seen in players and coaches, and their loyalty to their team helps make college football a lovable game. The football team at a university represents the town, the state, and what the community stands for. College football players are said to be passionate, play hard, hard workers, and fearless. NFL players are most known for kvetch and not wanting to be hit hard. There is passion in every play and intensity like no other in coll ege football. It is just a drag watching the NFL because most of the time there is no passion, its just guys playing for that next paycheck (Fisher).The fact that the student athletes play for opportunity and the love of the game is invigorating to all sport fans. College football has been said to be more pure of a game.This means they play for the gamble to make the league, and are about the game. Another reason passion is more reflected in college football is the lack of salary related hold outs. This refers to the many major star athletes who have large contract dis sites and skip on camp and all team activities until they are paid more money. Players risk team winner for selfish personal reasons. Prime examples of a player negatively affecting a team with a hold out are Albert Haynesworth, Terrell Owens, Michael Crabtree, Maurice Jones-Drew, Chris Johnson, and many more. These players put personal motives over team loanresss it is inferred that the star athletes prefer money over team success. There has never been one single hold out in college football. Historically players in contract years have shown just a little more effort to ensure they make a few tautological dollars when their pay days come rough (Eliesen). Stats go up and so does the amount of work put in.This shows that players give more effort when money is on the line. The impact money has on the NFL makes college football that much better. Another issue with the money influence of the NFL is players will switch teams for more money, wins, or a bigger market. non just some players, all players. In college you can transfer for academic or personal reasons but there are consequences. In 2010-11, 6.4 percent of Division I student-athletes transferred from one four-year school to another four-year school. Included in that figure are 969 football student-athletes. every of those student-athletes were required to sit out a year of competition (NCAA). In the NFL it is expected that a player w ould turn their back on their team and city for more money or a better personal opportunity. In college it is discouraged, frowned upon, and penalized against. The players passion for the game, loyalty to their teams, and absents of holdouts and other money related issues are the start of a long list of reasons why college football is better than the NFL. The passion shows the college players are about the game, not the money.The tradition of college football is unlike that of any sport. The significance of it is immeasurable. To start college football has outstanding rivalry games. They are better than the NFL rivalry games simply because they have existed longer, are closer games, in a larger variety, and the fans and schools hate each other more. Classic examples include multitude versus Navy, the iron bowl, Ohio State versus loot, USC versus Notre Dame, Miami versus FSU, The red river rivalry, the civil war, the dual in the dessert, the worlds largest cocktail party, LSU versu s Alabama, and several others. Compare that with Dallas against Washington the best rivalry in the NFL. Not a comparison. Every team in college football has a rival. Iowa State has Kansas State. Indiana has Illinois. Baylor has Texas Tech. Cincinnati has Louisville.Its not what you think of when you think Auburn/Alabama, Ohio State/Michigan and Texas/Oklahoma, but even the lesser-known powers have rivals that riles up the fan bases. The NFL? I challenge you to name the Carolina Panthers top rival (Wilson).The atmosphere surrounding the towns and the great rivalry games out perform the NFLs weak rivalry match ups. Next, fans have more to route for in college. The fact that the students and alumni bewilder to support the place they graduated from cannot be matched. For NFL fans most of them root for the citys team you were born in. For college football fans the team you cheer for could be across the nation because you had a family member go there or your family has always cheered for them. For college football fans it doesnt matter what city you live in (Fisher).Good examples of great tradition are Oregons uniforms, dotting the I in Ohio, Chief Osceola, war eagle, Howards rock, the dog UGA, and the play like a champion today sign in South Bend. Literally, 100 more traditions could be named. Traditions such as those just dont exist in the NFL. There isnt the same level of tradition in the pro game (Killoren). Stadiums, fight songs, bands, and the college campus on game day, pep rallies, are all things that are just not seen in professional football. The tradition in college football is evident and changes the game completely. to the highest degree importantly the strong and vast group of rivalry games in college makes the NFL division games appear as friendly competition.A important reason why college football is better than the NFL is because in college the timing in all around better. By the timing, I mean the rules that influence the time and the scheduling . College football starts a week earlier which means over 120 division one college games have been played onward the NFL starts. College football has more games in widely distributed and starts off football season right. Next, is Saturdays are better for watching and playing football than Sundays. Nobody wants to go to work the day after a insane game. People need Sunday to relax after a crazy tailgating and game experience. To me, theres nothing better than going to bed on Friday night knowing that you have nothing to do on Saturday except watch college football. Even if you find a few hrs to watch your favorite NFL team, you appease have it hanging over your head that its back to work in the morning. That feeling always tends to take the wind out of my sails (FanNation).Who wants to be out late on a Sunday night at a prime time game? How about Saturday? There is a big disparity between the two. During bowl season we get to see 35 prestigious match ups of team with winning re cords in solid football games over a 23 day period. Right over the holidays when everyone has school and work off there is football on every day. This is set up nicely for viewers. Seniors get a last chance to represent themselves and their school in the bowl game that they have worked so hard to earn. Lastly, college has comeback friendly rules that the NFL do not have. Stopping of the clock on a first down, one foot in bounds for a catch, chains must be set before clock starts, and clock stopping all game when you get out of bounds keep college games entertaining and help you see more action.According to a Wall Street Journal study of four games from week 16, the average NFL game features just 10 minutes 43 seconds of action (Chase). The comebacks that have fit(p) champions and the outcome of high profile games are because of the comeback friendly rule book of college football. College football is more entertaining than the NFL for many reasons but bowl season, the comeback frien dly rules, Saturdays over Sundays, and the extra week of football are just some vital examples.The pregame activities, tailgating, the more logical football rules such as extra time standards, and ESPNs outstanding coverage give college an extra edge on professional football. College game day travels to the biggest game of the week and perform a 3 hour special on campus live in front of an audience with different guest stars, storylines, and gimmicks each week. Hands down NFL Countdown cant compete with College Gameday (Fisher). Also, college goal line which updates all the score nationwide is very popular around the country. In college football the sport is played the right way. If a player hits the land he is down, in the NFL he can get back up and run if not touched. This leads to many missed calls and slows down play. The overtime rules are better in college because you cant tie. Yes, in the NFL there is the terrible possibility of a tie. Also, each time gets a chance and the b etter team is awarded the victory.In the NFL its more about the coin flip than the play. Parties on campus, pep rallies, and fun halftime events like the famous Dr. Pepper challenge are great add ons to college football. The college life sparks parties and pep rallies. Some schools even cancel classes the day before a big game. Students camp out to get tickets and great scenes like that are noticed all around the country. The weekend gives students a break. What more would students want to do than party and route on their schools football team. Lastly, tailgating is bigger in college football.Fans have all of the next day to relax so they enjoy their tailgating. Only 30 percent of the tailgaters actually make it inside the stadium. People do not tailgate a week before for an NFL game. College students start tailgating that Sunday or Monday after that last game they just went too (Fisher). College fans take tailgating very sedate and make a 3 hour game into a week event in which the y can relax, watch football, eat good food, and reunite with friends and family. The activities around college football separate it from the old boring games on Sunday.College football has passion, traditions, entertainment, and an incredible environment that the NFL lacks. These reasons were choose from a list of 200 reasons college football is better. Upsets, unpredictability, cheer leaders, the Heisman, learn dynasties, the spread offense, uniforms, new programs, and other reason were not even discussed because college football has such a huge variety of great attributes. This makes college football more openhearted to the fans and viewers. Understand that all these reasons build on the case of why college football beats the NFL. Yes, the players are less talented when they are younger. It should have been made drop off that the game is about more than this though.The college players do not only care about money. Love of the game, the tradition, the entertainment, and the rule s are a few of the prominent reasons college football is better. However, Most of these reasons cannot be based of scientific facts or stats. The reasons listed are based on what is the best game to watch and support. A personal opinion and judgment is what makes this stemma worth demonstrating. It cannot be proven through facts and data but there are numerous reasons that help show the point that is trying to be made. All the evidence is there and all that is left to do is choose what reasons makes college football better than the NFL. There are many to choose from.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
How to Build Positive Relationship with Close Friends
How to build positive relationship with coterminous friends or old buddies According to Ronnie Nijmeh, plane the trump relationships can be challenging, therefore we must find some methods to maintain a good relationship with close friends. Also, we usually find our best friends during the secondary school period. Even you both are best friend there are still many challenges that affect the relationship between you two.For example, when you two wait a new situation, saying that going to a new school or different universities, you certainly reduce much opportunities to obligate a face to face contact with your friends because each of you will be busier and you will make new friends respectively. We engage to try our best to maintain a close contact with close friends. Firstly, according to Lesley Petersen, the trainer of personal development, she points out that appreciating the time spent with close friends are the key.That means the most important thing is to have a regular gathering or meeting with your close friends. No matter how busy you are, this is the must you need to do. Only under this situation, you can fancy the recent daily life from your friends and more understanding on his/ her updated news. This is the golden chance for you to share your happiness or difficulties. Also, it is the only method making you formulate closer with your friends as the contact on Face book or SMS can non serve such function.Releted essay An Empty Purse Frightens Away FriendsOnly the face to face contact can impress you and let you emotional state warm. Secondly, as you two are best friend, faith is one of the important factors contributing to a rock-loving relationship. Close friends need not to deliberately find some common topics or superficial things to talk with. Try to express your inner feelings to your close friends and need not to be embarrassing, therefore your friends can feel your true heart and the relationship can be long lasting.We need to fra nk with our close friends even so we have some discontent with her/ him or they have mistakes, because close friends are difference from hi bye friends or simple friends, we need not feel embarrass when we are pointing out their bad things. Surely, we cannot make personal attack on them but guide them back to a good way. Thirdly, in an act to build up a long lasting positive relationship with close friends, we need to try our best to trust our friends and do not soft affected by others rumors.Because he/she is your best friend, so we need to constitute hundred percent of support and confidence to him/ her. Even though there are some rumors heard from others, we should first understand the whole and directly ask our close friends but not suspect on him/her at once. This can show your trust to your friends. Besides, we need to be a trustworthy person. If our close friends tell us some secret, we should keep this secret in our heart but not tell others under any circumstances. Other wise, we betray our friends.Finally, we can try our best to show our helping hands to our friends who are in need. As close friends are valuable and are the one staying with us forever, we should help them if we are able to do so. For example, providing some financial assist or some consultation advises to them if they need. If we unceasingly care about our own benefits, our friends just think we are a pragmatic person but not really want to make friends with them. Therefore, a positive relationship will not be maintained.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Over-Crowded Classroom and Students Attitude Towards Learning Essay
Table 1. Class by Class registration of Grade 4 pupils of four selected schools. Class Section Digos Central simple-minded School Rhema Kings KidAcademy Sta. MariaElementary School Sta. Cruz Elementary School A B C D Table2. Problems of over-crowded classroom and student-teacher interactions. Please make how much you tot up or disagree with each of the sideline StronglyDisagree Disagree Agree StronglyAgree 5 1. Noise-making is very rampant during lessons. 2. Securing students do attention during lesson is almost impossible. 3. Many pupils at the back do not recruit much in the lesson. 4. Quiet students often get rejected. 5. Only brilliant students answer questions in class. 6. Teachers questions cannot spread round the class. 7. Teachers movements certified to the front of the class Because students chairs and tables have locked every space. 8. Teachers cannot move around the class to mark students assignment. 9. It is imposs ible to neckband students cheating. 10. Late-comers sneak in unnoticed. 11. It is difficult for teachers to see students who are not paying attention. 12. Truants go unnoticed in the class. 13. Teaching aids cannot go round everybody. Table 3. Please mark how well you think the following statements describe you Not at allLike Me Not muchLike Me SomewhatLike Me A lotLike Me 1. I really want to learn. 2. I participate regularly in class. 3. I often need extra help with homework. 4. I try my opera hat but it doesnt help me do well. 5. I usually bored with what we study in class. 6. The topics I am studying in school are Interesting and challenging. 7. I can do soften work than Im doing now. Thinking of the teachers you have in class, how would you grade them in these areas. Failing F Poor D Fair C Good B ExcellentA 1. Well organized. 2. Communicates clearly. 3. Explains material. 4. Teachers a variety of perspectives. 5 . High expectations for all students. 6. Understands subject matters very well. 7. Treat students equally. 8.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Cowboys and Indians †Clara Madsen Essay
1) Resume The story Cowboys and Indians is about a girl, who is at her grandmothers funeral. She doesnt feel very comfortable, so she calls her cousin David to come and rescue her. He is a real rebellion and he picks her up on his motorcycle. Their first stop is at a kibosh where they drink a couple of shots and a beer. Then they drive of again. At the second stop they pinhead a joint and talk about their grandmother, and how David feels stuck in his life. Then they gets hungry and decides to eat at a little takeout stand. There are sitting two old women. They tell that the wind brings lusus naturae spirits and they think that David and the narrator brought it with them. Then they drive home, and says their goodbye outside the house. David doesnt want to tidy sum with the family.2) Characterize The Narrator is a girl with two personalities. She have learned to behave so she house fit in the society, but she is an outlaw. Almost like David. She hasnt found her right identity yet, so she is living a kind of double life? Already in the beginning she knows that she is old replete to help ind the house and talk to people, but she just want to escape. Our grandfather, the patriarch of the family, despised us two. (l. 57) The grandfather also thinks that she is different even though she tries to hide it. The narrator is also an little naive, because she believes in almost everything David tells her. She wants to be tough and cool, when she is around him but she is often a little insecure.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Compare and Contrast Emily and Miss Brill Essay
look out on brill in Katherine Mansfield short story Miss Brill and Emily in A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner exhibits evoke similarities and differences. The differences and similarities are translucent in their characters. The cardinal stories appear different but the relationship they share is precise profound. The stories openly to the reader the realization of similarities and discordantities in them and the readers in terms of themes within the story, character traits and plot advancement. The plots of the stories stretch to review the dissimilarities in the social lives amid Miss Brill and Grierson Emily. The dissimilarities can non overweigh the similarities between the both characters in the portion of romantic and genuine social lives and their fateful states of denial. The pride that associates with the community involvement is the major difference between the two characters.Normally people are proud to associate with the community since the involvement gives them a mother wit if something bigger. Miss Brill takes a community aim with more seriously and to a higher level than Emily Grierson who does not take it with much seriousness. This fact makes them different. Miss Brill has a boring life. This fact is evident when she goes to the dark cupboard room. In the room, the almond slice of cake excites her. The depth of Miss Brill solitariness and sadness convinces her that she is an important member of the community. He fills that her contribution is the key driver of her community and in casing she withdraws, the community will not survive or operate properly. She thinks that they (community) were all stage acting. She was assigned a part sand came every Sunday. No doubt if she hadnt been somebody there would have observe after all she was part of the performance (Mansfield 20).On the other hand, Emilys character is a polish off contrast of Brills character. The narrator brings out(p) the difference when he speaks of Emilys death . According t the narrator, the whole town attended Miss Emily Griersons funeral. The narrator continues to add that, the males attendthe funeral as a sign of respect to a fallen monument. The females attend the funeral because they were driven by curiosity to find out how the in spatial relation of her house appeared like since no one other than an old manservant had seen it in at least(prenominal) ten years (Faulkner, 32). Miss Emily Griersons induce confined her to into the house and continues with the state even after her death. The situation makes the people of the town curious about the life of Miss Emily Griersons. The only thing the Miss Emily Grierson did with people was to teach children how to paint china, a craft the people considers useless and outdated. Her lack of involvement and neutrality in the society is clear when she evades taxes.Read AlsoCompare and Contrast Essay Topics for CollegeShe says, See Colonel Satoris. I have no taxes in Jefferson the colonel is de ad for almost ten years. The relationship is another point of equation between the two characters. The both lack romantic and ordinary relationship. None of the two ended up with a functional social life, although there is a bid difference between their public lives. The two stories reveal to the reader a life of two lonely women. Brill would spend her Sunday outings ceremonial people with hopes that she would hear their voices. To her disappointment, people did not speak. (Mansfield, 18). Brills gets boredom, a mixture of spirits, and joy from things that she sees and unconsciously relates them to her own life. Comparing herself from a woman who gives her a flower confuses her about whether to reject or involve them. She finally she throws flowers (Mansfield, 19).Emilys distinctive relationship with her nonplus is the reason she lacks social relationship. His father overprotective reputation denies Emily a chance to relate socially. She remembers the the young men that had be en driven away by her father (Faulkner, 36). Her father denies her a chance to meet people, not only during the time she is alive, also after she is dead. Brill comes up with a reason for apparent signs of poor circulation ensuing from old age. The grief in her life is what causes the feeling in her. She suppresses and denies the feeling. She says, And what they played was sunny, warm, yet there was a mere faint chill or something, what was it?-it is not sadness but rather -a something that made you desire to sing (Mansfield, 21).The rebuff in Emilys side is first apparent when she fails to accept her father is dead. She is dressed normally. Despite theefforts of doctors and the ministry efforts to convince her that her dad is dead, She said to them that her father was still alive. She remained in this state of denial for three days (Faulkner, 36). This shows the results of suppressing grief.In conclusion, even though the two stories, A Rose or Emily and Miss Brill seem to revolve a round two dissimilar women living lives that completely differ they are the same in many subtle, but valuable ways. At the same time, their lives differ in how the two women socialize.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Best solution for a suburb having frequent cases of violence, theft and burglary
Assume that you are living in suburb which has condescend cases of violence, theft and burglary. What do you think is the best solution in long run and short run? Do you choose to support CPTED and/or reactive approaches which involves police, court and other activities? Answer In my view, for a suburb having frequent cases of violence, theft and burglary the best solution in long run or short run mint come through CPTED (Crime prevention through environmental design) alone as it focuses on behavioural psychological science and relationships between people and the environment.In case a crime has already occurred a reactive investigation involving police, courts and correctional facilities has to necessarily follow but true prevention cannot succeed without involving people. It is an accepted fact that physical check is the best method for prevention of crimes. To this end in case of a suburb of the kind off-key we have to begin by involving people and by consensus limit the points for entry and back up and at the corresponding time block the other points so that no entry or exit is possible provided the points agreed to by the residents.Next step would be arranging round the clock vigil of these points of entry and exit to ensure that every visitor is recorded with his identification. Residents can share the costs or they can bid by rotation to perform the duties depending on the economic state of the suburb. Residents may also be further and educated to install burglar alarms, particularly for the households which are left locked or where children or the aged or the sick stay alone for long hours.To ensure monitoring and continuity of preventive vigilance by the residents formal and informal meetings of larger and smaller groups will need to be held with brain storming on the certificate perceptions and maintaining crimelessness of the suburb. Such measures supported by the ideology behind CPTED would go a long way in prevention of crimes in the suburb in question.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Eight Stages In the Development of Man
senescence in the center(a) festers is certain that breeding has meaning and it is clear what homophilener sincerely is, it assigned to hu s anileierys as highly important comp be to all living things. The vitality twain on earth is moreover diminutive interval, as we stay on earth the some ashes temporary become a prison of the body, the hu piece body look a short effort and examen meant to end death. The important aspect is the life after death of the body, the existence of human creation is not foc use upd on what was gained in this material world, what life merchant ship offer, but reserves the graven im geezerhood soul from death and ceaseless death and torture, by gaining endless life and everlasting happiness.In the development of man in a chronological way there argon eight stages infancy (0-2years), early childishness (age 2-6), middle childhood (6-12 years), adolescence (12-18 years), early maturity (18-40), middle due date (40-60), the irregular soundi ng early after-hours adulthood (60-75) and late adulthood (75+). In childhood development, children develop rapidly as they be unfastened to opposite attitudes and behaviors. They learn m any things formally and informally, these experiences contribute to their emotional, intellectual, somatic and social development.Adolescence has traditionally been popular opinioned to begin with puberty, a emergent spurt in physical growth accompanied by sexual maturity. there is a greens image of adolescents as unpredictable creatures, prone to mood swing and wild emotional outbursts. This shows that adolescents are much emotionally volatile than adults. In adulthood the souls grow grey-headeder they confront new combinations of biologic drives and societal demands.By forty years old, near commonwealth are all too aware of the adjustments occurring at heart their bodies. capacity and vigor in various organ constitutions decline and changes are readily visible in body shapes a nd skin as bulges and wrinkles gradually replace gradually replace the sleek torsos and smooth exterior of youth. sexual activity tends to pass for both sexes and women in their late forties or early mid-fifties experience pause.Physical changes are inevitable during mid-life, but the magnitude and the rate of such changes are strongly findd by the the exclusive lifestyle. Growing evidence suggests that such factors as physical exercise, soulal nutrition and military groupive steering of adjudicate whitethorn be give predictors of physical vigor and health than age.Comparative inquiry has been made choosing fauna(prenominal) models for research in agedness, examination of animals is made so that the importance and suitability of particular genus for studies on age. They use animal model on research for agedness because it is a living life form on which a normative natural or behavioral characteristic of age do-nothing be studied. It a semantic confusion when we he ar the term research on ageing, so we must characterize the areas of scientific compendium on aging.There are both wide categories to do research the biology of aging or pathology of aging. When we point to the biology of aging it is commonly based on the origin that aging and are customary actiones, a fraction of physiological escape in which aging is a step in the patterned advance of the frequent life span. Whereas, the pathology of aging is based on the basis that aging is a disease.To define aging more(prenominal) precisely, research should give more focus on genetic inclination from birth to old age, which may require the evaluation of in truth schoolboyishsubjects to typify its growth and eventual appearance in the aged. The particular ofdisease, exposure to environmental pollutants, and infectious agents that affect the elderlythat manifest only at their old age. The most important goals of biomedical andbehavioral research on aging is to develop the worth of li fe for the aged, to engage a directdevelopment of efficient health concern services for the aged.There are two kinds of aging, primary aging and secondary aging.Primary agingrefers to changes produced by increasing age. Secondary aging can be traced to changesresulting from disease, disuse, or abuse of our bodies. It is incorrect to attribute ill healthand discomfort to simply the prohibit do of old age. Factors such as lifestyle andspecific illnesses, which are not age related, should be considered as possible causes.Indeed, our physical state during later life is more under our control. much(prenominal) psychological ideas came from Hellenic and Roman prospect. There is a concealed measurement of antediluvian patriarch philosophy that appeal to a theory divine transcendence ultimately triumphed in form of religion. Both prehistoric and medieval acculturations took for given that the advertent office of life represented the utmost opportunity of human subsistence. This reality is essential to derive the present-day(a) apprehension of old age, which is a horror of the vacuum, the indeterminate state of apathy.The attitudes that the Greek holds do not unavoidably take over the realism of other good deals lives. Even healthier individuals get under ones skin a negative vista towards aging thus,influence the perception of younger people to the ways they choose to move with theelderly. There are two conflicting traditions of purpose that propose our ideas andattitudes about aging, the traditional Greek apparent horizon of aging is very negative, because theGreeks strained the enormous luck and the great hardship of the old. In their ownview if a person has already conceded his/her youthful years, it is better to die thanexperience the indignities of aging.On the other hand the medieval attitudes towardsaging is very positive, since they deal that as a a person grows cured, it brings positionand prestige to him and his family and in like manner the society where he lives. Thisdiscrepancy among the contrasting civilization is best seen in the reasons specified for thedeath of a young person.In the midsection Eastern view is that the bad man dies young whereas, an old age isa advocate which means when a person dies young he is not blessed, in contrast to ancientGreek which believes that a man who dies at an early age is loved by the Gods and a individual who lives into old age is creation punished by the Gods. The attitudes that the Greek holds do not necessarily replicate the realism of other peoples lives. Even healthier individuals bring on a pessimistic outlook towards aging thus influence the perception of younger people to the ways they choose to interact with the elderly.There are two conflicting traditions of thought that propose our ideas andattitudes about aging, the traditional Greek view of aging is very negative, because the Greeks strained the enormous luck and the great hardship of the old. In the ir ownview if a person has already conceded his/her youthful years, it is better to die thanexperience the indignities of aging. On the other hand the medieval attitudes towardsaging is very positive, since they believe that as a person grows sr., it brings positionand prestige to him and his family and also the corporation where he lives. Thisdiscrepancy among the contrasting civilization is best seen in the reasons specified for thedeath of a young person.In the Middle Eastern view is that the bad man dies young whereas, an old age isa sanction which means when a person dies young he is not blessed, in contrast to ancientGreek which believes that a man who dies at an early age is loved by the Gods and aindividual who lives into old age is being punished by the Gods.Deprived welfare in aging requires increased beneficial expenditures that transmit income from other essential areas such as theatre preservation or the purchase of food. There should be a concerned social or physic al environment may retard the rate of functional redness to some degree. Successful planning for an aging society obviously requires attention to the qualitative aspects of aging as well as to the quantitative features. Such factors mostly define the value of life at any age and include not only health status but also monetary rest and aspects of both social and substantial environment.There are large numbers of changes in the ways aging people experience in their environments, during the years of adulthood and into old age. These changes engross the course of awareness and perception. We define sensation as the transmission of the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feel of the versed and outside environments, into terms that the brainiac can use to meet these signals. In contrast, the term perception is the mathematical function that happens in the brain as it integrates these signals with the persons preceding(a) comprehension and information coming from the unalike expe riences.The aging adjoin affects both sensation and perception in the tangential and central mechanism of the queasy system. Lots of information is available which are responsible on the aging of the structures for sensation compare on the aging of upper level brain centers concerned in perception. There are deep personal effects on adjustment of the some age correlated changes in the understanding of intellect information. In either day existence adults use sensory and perceptual processes, from customary routine interaction to difficult paradox situations, and even on matters of life and death.Context is a common discover that may strengthen the usual cognitive problems of aging. The associated changes in the brain dopamine has influence how people process background information, which in turn can hurt concentration storage and more. The psychologist drive home establish the indifferent link between the aging brain and waning cognitive abilities, there are also studies t hat shows where the older people and younger people pathways in context processing. The slow lessening of the ability to gain and habituate background clues could clarify why aging people refuse cognition across a range of function. Psychologist develops complete, brain based representation of approach pattern aging, that makes them able to eventually slow or stop these pitiful cognitive decline.The best example is when psychologist uses dopamine to be used in context processing which is a kind of psychological operating system that sits among the brains prefrontal cortex and cognition they believe that definite sufficient levels of the chemical messenger dopamine, the prefrontal cortex consistently enables to course for a thought, memory of the actions. Therefore, context processing can have a wide impact, straddling cognitive process once thought to be autonomous. The context processing, has the capability to come after a defaulting behavior to perform something in a context ually suitable way. To sum it up, in this process helps aging people to decide which way to go to the market, what to articulate based on who is listening or what uncertain word would mean in a meticulous sentence. health promotion has been a functional social science whose theoretical structure has authentic from a psychology, anthropology and sociology foundation. Since 1970s there are already course of studys given over based on the theories of health promotions, usually implemented across large populations. It is also a variety show of health education and related managerial, political, and economic changes conductive to wellbeing. A health promotion program, then, is planned to change the health and welfare of individuals and communities by giving the people with the information, expertise, services, and sustainability compulsory to take on and preserve positive lifestyle changes.Successful health promotion programs are health sweetener programs they go further than pr oviding information to effect behavioral alteration. It emphasize has been on physical health prepare and health assurance, usual study of amends price infer that the health promotion program could drop morbidity from disease.Two types of learning programs for older drivers have been developed, the first one is precautionary driving approach to decrease fears and sharpen driving skills. The next program is for older citizens who had one or other accidents and uses a defensive-driving/ craft school approach to decrease nemesis of accident. Programs may be offered in a multiplicity of displace such as senior and govern centers.The organization of support groups, conducting of meetings of people with meticulous emotional wants component and discuss the crisis the member faces. These groups can be organized by retirement homes, hospitals, senior centers, and community arouse society.Reassurance of telephone programs, it is the duty of a give out and self sufficient person to vol untary calls a introvertish or apprehensive elder person each day at the same judgment of conviction to keep back on his protection and well being. window pane programs, there are vans or minibuses that provide transport for older adults or the handicapped to physicians, hospital, clinics.Volunteer programs, any dissever of organization that operates more efficiently and has increased sense of community importance if an efficient volunteer is developed and equipped. Program developments include advances in public wellbeing, preventive and sanative medicine, health education, and medical technology have caused enormous changes in the configuration of the populace of aging populations.ConclusionEveryone of us started from being a child until we exceed old age, as we grow older we become rum to other people, each of us has a different genetic make up. During the life course, the range of those persons is created by how person invested time and energy. The life time approach to the learning of aging is one way of conceptualizing many of the factors that influence how individual modify as they grow older, and how different personality show unlike patterns of change in aging.Work CitedCockayne K. (2003). Experiencing Old Age in Ancient Rome. Sociology, Routlidge print.Decalmer P. and Glandenning F. (1997) The Mistreatment of Elderly People. Sociology. Sage Publication. Sage Newbury Park, CA.Davies, J.K., Gordon M., editor (1998). Quality, Evidence, and Health Effectiveness in Health packaging. Routledge Publishing.Gilford, D. M. (1988).The Aging Population In The Twenty-First Century. Contributor National honorary society of Sciences. National Academic Press.Haber, D. (2007). Health Promotion of Aging Practical Applications for Health Professionals. Fourth edition. Springer Publishing CompanyTimmreck, T.C. (2003).Planning Program tuition and Evaluation. Jones and Barlett Publishers.Timiras, P.S., (2002) Physiological ground of Aging And Geriatrics. Mac M illan Publishing. New York.Webb, R.C., (1999). Psychology of The Consumer And Its Development .Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers. New York.Eight Stages In the Development of ManAging in the middle ages is certain that life has meaning and it is clear what life really is, it assigned to humans as highly important compare to all living things. The life span on earth is only diminutive interval, as we stay on earth the soul temporary become a prison of the body, the human body experience a short trial and test meant to end death.The important aspect is the life after death of the body, the existence of human being is not focused on what was gained in this material world, what life can offer, but reserves the immortal soul from death and ceaseless death and torture, by gaining endless life and everlasting happiness.In the development of man in a chronological way there are eight stages infancy (0-2years), early childhood (age 2-6), middle childhood (6-12 years), adolescence (12-18 year s), early adulthood (18-40), middle adulthood (40-60), the irregular sounding early late adulthood (60-75) and late adulthood (75+). In childhood development, children develop rapidly as they are exposed to different attitudes and behaviors. They learn many things formally and informally, these experiences contribute to their emotional, intellectual, physical and social development.Adolescence has traditionally been viewed to begin with puberty, a sudden spurt in physical growth accompanied by sexual maturity. There is a common image of adolescents as unpredictable creatures, prone to mood swing and wild emotional outbursts. This shows that adolescents are more emotionally volatile than adults. In adulthood the individuals grow older they confront new combinations of biological drives and societal demands.By forty years old, most people are all too aware of the changes occurring within their bodies. Strength and vigor in various organ systems decline and changes are readily visible in body shapes and skin as bulges and wrinkles gradually replace gradually replace the sleek torsos and smooth exterior of youth. Sexual activity tends to decrease for both sexes and women in their late forties or early fifties experience pause.Physical changes are inevitable during mid-life, but the magnitude and the rate of such changes are strongly influenced by the the individual lifestyle. Growing evidence suggests that such factors as physical exercise, personal nutrition and effective management of stress may be better predictors of physical vigor and health than age.Comparative research has been made choosing animal models for research in aging, examination of animals is made so that the importance and suitability of particular genus for studies on aging. They use animal model on research for aging because it is a living life form on which a normative natural or behavioral characteristic of aging can be studied. It a semantic confusion when we hear the term research on aging , so we must characterize the areas of scientific analysis on aging.There are two wide categories to do research the biology of aging or pathology of aging. When we refer to the biology of aging it is commonly based on the origin that aging and are normal processes, a fraction of physiological range in which aging is a step in the progress of the normal life span. Whereas, the pathology of aging is based on the basis that aging is a disease.To define aging more precisely, research should give more focus on genetic inclination from birth to old age, which may require the evaluation of very youngsubjects to typify its growth and eventual appearance in the aged. The occurrence ofdisease, exposure to environmental pollutants, and infectious agents that affect the elderlythat manifest only at their old age. The most important goals of biomedical andbehavioral research on aging is to develop the worth of life for the aged, to have a directdevelopment of efficient health concern services for the aged.There are two kinds of aging, primary aging and secondary aging. Primary agingrefers to changes produced by increasing age. Secondary aging can be traced to changesresulting from disease, disuse, or abuse of our bodies. It is incorrect to attribute ill healthand discomfort to simply the negative effects of old age. Factors such as lifestyle andspecific illnesses, which are not age related, should be considered as possible causes.Indeed, our physical state during later life is more under our control. Such psychological ideas came from Greek and Roman thought. There is a concealed measurement of ancient philosophy that appeal to a theory divine transcendence ultimately triumphed in form of religion. Both prehistoric and medieval civilizations took for granted that the thoughtful means of life represented the utmost opportunity of human subsistence. This reality is essential to understand the contemporary apprehension of old age, which is a horror of the vacuum, the indete rminate state of apathy.The attitudes that the Greek holds do not necessarily replicate the realism of otherpeoples lives. Even healthier individuals have a pessimistic outlook towards aging thus,influence the perception of younger people to the ways they choose to interact with theelderly. There are two conflicting traditions of thought that propose our ideas andattitudes about aging, the traditional Greek view of aging is very negative, because theGreeks strained the enormous luck and the great hardship of the old. In their ownview if a person has already conceded his/her youthful years, it is better to die thanexperience the indignities of aging.On the other hand the medieval attitudes towardsaging is very positive, since they believe that as a a person grows older, it brings positionand prestige to him and his family and also the community where he lives. Thisdiscrepancy among the contrasting civilization is best seen in the reasons specified for thedeath of a young person.In th e Middle Eastern view is that the bad man dies young whereas, an old age isa sanction which means when a person dies young he is not blessed, in contrast to ancientGreek which believes that a man who dies at an early age is loved by the Gods and a individual who lives into old age is being punished by the Gods. The attitudes that the Greek holds do not necessarily replicate the realism of other peoples lives. Even healthier individuals have a pessimistic outlook towards aging thus influence the perception of younger people to the ways they choose to interact with the elderly.There are two conflicting traditions of thought that propose our ideas andattitudes about aging, the traditional Greek view of aging is very negative, because the Greeks strained the enormous luck and the great hardship of the old. In their ownview if a person has already conceded his/her youthful years, it is better to die thanexperience the indignities of aging. On the other hand the medieval attitudes towards aging is very positive, since they believe that as a person grows older, it brings positionand prestige to him and his family and also the community where he lives. Thisdiscrepancy among the contrasting civilization is best seen in the reasons specified for thedeath of a young person.In the Middle Eastern view is that the bad man dies young whereas, an old age isa sanction which means when a person dies young he is not blessed, in contrast to ancientGreek which believes that a man who dies at an early age is loved by the Gods and aindividual who lives into old age is being punished by the Gods.Deprived wellbeing in aging requires increased beneficial expenditures that transmit income from other essential areas such as home preservation or the purchase of food. There should be a concerned social or physical environment may retard the rate of functional loss to some degree. Successful planning for an aging society obviously requires attention to the qualitative aspects of aging as wel l as to the quantitative features. Such factors mostly define the value of life at any age and include not only health status but also monetary standing and aspects of both social and substantial environment.There are large numbers of changes in the ways aging people experience in their environments, during the years of adulthood and into old age. These changes engross the course of sensation and perception. We define sensation as the transmission of the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feel of the internal and outside environments, into terms that the brain can use to interpret these signals. In contrast, the term perception is the procedure that happens in the brain as it integrates these signals with the persons past comprehension and information coming from the different experiences.The aging process affects both sensation and perception in the tangential and central mechanism of the nervous system. Lots of information is available which are responsible on the aging of the st ructures for sensation compare on the aging of upper level brain centers concerned in perception. There are deep effects on adjustment of the many age correlated changes in the understanding of intellect information. In every day existence adults use sensory and perceptual processes, from ordinary routine interaction to difficult problem situations, and even on matters of life and death.Context is a common issue that may strengthen the usual cognitive problems of aging. The associated changes in the brain dopamine has influence how people process background information, which in turn can hurt concentration memory and more. The psychologist have establish the absent link between the aging brain and waning cognitive abilities, there are also studies that shows where the older people and younger people pathways in context processing. The slow lessening of the ability to gain and utilize background clues could clarify why aging people refuse cognition across a range of function. Psychol ogist develops complete, brain based representation of normal aging, that makes them able to eventually slow or stop these worrying cognitive decline.The best example is when psychologist uses dopamine to be used in context processing which is a kind of psychological operating system that sits among the brains prefrontal cortex and cognition they believe that definite sufficient levels of the chemical messenger dopamine, the prefrontal cortex consistently enables to course for a thought, memory of the actions. Therefore, context processing can have a wide impact, straddling cognitive process once thought to be autonomous. The context processing, has the capability to supersede a defaulting behavior to perform something in a contextually suitable way. To sum it up, in this process helps aging people to decide which way to go to the market, what to utter based on who is listening or what uncertain word would mean in a meticulous sentence.Health promotion has been a functional social s cience whose theoretical structure has developed from a psychology, anthropology and sociology foundation. Since 1970s there are already programs given based on the theories of health promotions, usually implemented across large populations. It is also a mixture of health education and related managerial, political, and economic changes conductive to wellbeing. A health promotion program, then, is planned to improve the health and welfare of individuals and communities by giving the people with the information, expertise, services, and sustainability needed to take on and preserve optimistic lifestyle changes.Successful health promotion programs are health enhancement programs they go further than providing information to effect behavioral alteration. It emphasize has been on physical health condition and health assurance, usual study of insurance price infer that the health promotion program could decrease morbidity from disease.Two types of learning programs for older drivers have been developed, the first one is precautionary driving approach to decrease fears and sharpen driving skills. The next program is for older citizens who had one or other accidents and uses a defensive-driving/traffic school approach to decrease threat of accident. Programs may be offered in a multiplicity of setting such as senior and district centers.The organization of support groups, conducting of meetings of people with meticulous emotional wants share and discuss the crisis the member faces. These groups can be organized by retirement homes, hospitals, senior centers, and community interest society.Reassurance of telephone programs, it is the duty of a fit and self sufficient person to voluntary calls a homebound or apprehensive elder person each day at the same time to check on his protection and well being. Transportation programs, there are vans or minibuses that provide transport for older adults or the handicapped to physicians, hospital, clinics.Volunteer programs, any s ort of organization that operates more efficiently and has increased sense of community importance if an efficient volunteer is developed and equipped. Program developments include advances in public wellbeing, preventive and curative medicine, health education, and medical technology have caused enormous changes in the configuration of the populace of aging populations.ConclusionEveryone of us started from being a child until we reach old age, as we grow older we become unique to other people, each of us has a different genetic make up. During the life course, the range of those persons is created by how person invested time and energy. The life time approach to the learning of aging is one way of conceptualizing many of the factors that influence how individual modify as they grow older, and how different personality show unlike patterns of change in aging.Work CitedCockayne K. (2003). Experiencing Old Age in Ancient Rome. Sociology, Routlidge Publishing.Decalmer P. and Glandennin g F. (1997) The Mistreatment of Elderly People. Sociology. Sage Publication. Sage Newbury Park, CA.Davies, J.K., Gordon M., editor (1998). Quality, Evidence, and Health Effectiveness in Health Promotion. Routledge Publishing.Gilford, D. M. (1988).The Aging Population In The Twenty-First Century. Contributor National Academy of Sciences. National Academic Press.Haber, D. (2007). Health Promotion of Aging Practical Applications for Health Professionals. Fourth edition. Springer Publishing CompanyTimmreck, T.C. (2003).Planning Program Development and Evaluation. Jones and Barlett Publishers.Timiras, P.S., (2002) Physiological Basis of Aging And Geriatrics. Mac Millan Publishing. New York.Webb, R.C., (1999). Psychology of The Consumer And Its Development .Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers. New York.
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